SOP For Canada Visitor Visa – A Detailed Guide for 2025

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Reviewed on 14/3/2025

Planning to visit the land of Maple leaf? Confused what are the procedures involved. As you know, travelling to Canada requires a visitor visa. And for this, you will need to fulfil certain documentation requirements. One of them is the SOP for Canada visitor visa. Don’t worry if you are hearing about this for the first time. 

In this blog, we are going to shed light on all the relevant questions regarding this such as: 

  • What is an SOP for Visitor Visa Canada?
  • How to write a statement of purpose for Canada visitor visa? 
  • Canada tourist visa sop sample for better understanding 

What is an SOP for Canada Visitor Visa?

SOP for Canada visitor visa is the statement of purpose that you are required to include in your application for visitor visa to Canada. In this, you will write why you want to visit Canada, what you will do there, and when you intend to return. The document will be somewhere between 750 and 1500 words in length.

sop for visitor visa canada

Importance of SOP for Canada Visitor Visa in 2025

Canada follows strict visa screening before issuing any type of visa to international citizens. The documents for Visitor Visa are reviewed by Border Service Officer, and visitor permit is given after thorough check by the authorities. Also remember there are Single Entry Visitor Visa and Multiple Entry Visitor Visa and the requirements and benefits for both vary each other. An SOP for a Canadian Visitor Visa is an important element of your Visitor Visa application and they asks for SOP from the applicants for a visitor visa because: 

  • SOP enables the authority to determine the true intentions of the applicant. 
  • By reviewing the SOP, the authorities can figure out whether the applicant will return to his/her home country or not. 
  • SOP clarifies many questions that other documents do not. 
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How to Write an SOP for Canada Visitor Visa?

sop for canada visitor visa

A powerful letter of purpose for visitor visa Canada can save you from getting your application rejected. The following step-by-step guide will help you in writing it. 

Finalize your itinerary:

In order to get a temporary entrant visa, it is important to have a clear idea about your travel plans before writing your SOP. You need to write about your stay, trips, and return clearly in the SOP. 

Write SOP first:

Once you have decided on your visit to Canada, write SOP as the first thing. You can do all the other work next to it because this one will take up the most time.  

Read samples:

As a first-timer, you will have some doubts about writing the SOP. Reading one SOP sample will clear your doubts.

Plan your SOP writing:

As a Statement of Purpose for the Visitor Visa Application is your gate pass to your dreams to visit Canada, have a plan for your SOP writing. Prepare an outline, build it and verify that it covers all relevant points and meets the requirements. 

Proofread and edit:

After finishing writing your SOP for tourist visa Canada, proofread it carefully and eliminate the mistakes that you notice in it. You can also consider a second opinion to avoid visa refusal. 

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SOP for Canada Tourist Visa Sample

Referring good visitor visa sop samples will give you great insights regarding the points we discussed above. Review the following sample SOP for Canada visitor visa as you prepare to write your document. During this reading, you will notice how different points are carefully stitched together to form a comprehensive and coherent write-up. Go through the Sample SOP for Canada Visitor / Tourist Visa shared below for better understanding!

Sample SOP for a Tourist Visa Canada

The Visa Officer
Embassy of Canada

Sub: Application for a Temporary Resident Visa

My name is Srinivas Rao. I hail from Hyderabad, India. I hold an Indian Passport and my passport number is xxxxxxxxx. I am writing this statement of purpose to fulfil the requirement of my application for a Canada visitor visa. I am required to obtain a visitor visa in order to travel to Canada to meet my son who is pursuing his MBA in Accounting at the University of Toronto, Canada. It’s been almost a year since he left for his higher studies and we haven’t stayed separated for this long. We have been emotionally very much connected since his mother passed away five years ago. Therefore, meeting each other is important for both of us.

About my professional background

I am a central government employee in India. I work with the Indian Railway as TTR (Traveling Ticket Examiner). I have three more years to retire. I have been accumulating my casual leaves and holidays for the past year in order to plan a visit to Canada and be with my son for a couple of weeks. I applied for a leave of 20 days last month and that has been sanctioned. So, here I am, planning my trip to Canada.

Family background

We used to be a nuclear family of three – my wife, son and I. My soulmate passed away five years ago due to cardiac arrest. Ever since then, I have been the sole guardian of my son. The death of my partner affected my son emotionally as he was closer to her than me. I have been trying to fill that vacuum since then. My son used to be good at his studies. After completing his graduation in 2020, he decided to move to Canada to pursue his higher education in business administration as he found the University of Ontario to be the best place for the course. His departure to Canada left me alone at home. It was equally painful for him as well. Although I know that it is permissible for me to be with him during his studies in Canada, I cannot take such a step due to my job in India. Hence, I strongly believe it will be a good change for both of us if I could visit him in Canada and be with him for a couple of weeks there.

How will I manage my food and accommodation?

I intend to stay with my son while visiting Canada. He has taken a flat for rent in the suburbs of Toronto. He cooks his meals by himself. When I am there, I will definitely assist him in cooking. So, there is no trouble regarding my food or accommodation.

My plans while in Canada

I have planned a few things while touring in Canada. My first priority in my travelling plans is being with my son and spending some quality time together. Second, I wish to meet some of his friends and their families. I understand that it is important to create a bond with my son’s friends and their families since most of them have gone to Canada from India. Getting to know each other will be of significant advantage in case of any emergencies. Visiting my son’s college and meeting some of his faculties is another agenda on the list. I have asked my son to make the arrangements and appointments for the same. I would like to explore Canadian landscapes and visit few cities. Though I will be in and around Ottawa, I have planned few other travel destinations as well. I like to visit few toursit attraction sites like CN Tower, St. Lawrence Market, Royal Ontario Museum, Hockey Hall of Fame, Lake Ontario, Parliament Hill, Notre Dame Basillica, Mont Royal Park, etc.

How will I meet my expenses?

I am a central government employee in India and I am paid approximately USD 1000 as a salary every month. I stay in my own house. I also own a farmhouse and some land nearby my residence which has been handed over to me by my father. I have been maintaining the required amount of money in my account for the last six months after learning about the financial requirements for obtaining a Canada visitor visa. Presently my account has sufficient bank balance of CAD xxxxxxx, which enough and more to meet my travel expenses

Health and other requirements

I have carefully gone through the eligibility criteria in order to apply for a Canada visitor visa. I meet all the requirements, do not suffer from any ailments, and have undergone medical tests. I have attached all documents including a No Objection Certificate from my employemnt for your verification along with this application. In case you wish to clarify anything further, I am ready to do so.

Why is it important for me to return to India?

As a central government employee with three more years of service to retire, it is important for me to return to India and resume my job as early as possible. Although I am permitted to stay for up to six months on a visitor visa, I will return to my home country in less than a month’s time.

I am grateful to you for taking the time to review my documents. I am looking forward to receiving the approval for my Canada visitor visa application.

Thank you

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Image showing the types of Canada Visitor Visa, validity, fees and its visa duration

Format of SOP for Canada Tourist Visa

Like SOP for any other country or any other purpose, you need to use a recognized format for your SOP for Canada tourist visa. 


In the introduction, you write a small introduction to the write-up. It will cover a brief bio of yourself and then the prime reason for visiting Canada.


Depending on the number of points you want to include in your body, you can decide on its numbers.

Details in the First Paragraph:

Talk about the duration of your stay and specify the start date and end date of the stay. Mention where you will stay, with whom you will stay and what you will do during your stay. Be precise and include examples.

Details in Second Paragraph:

In this paragraph, talk about your travel history – countries you have visited and how long you stayed there. Whether you have defaulted any rules or overstayed anywhere etc.

Details in the Third Paragraph

Your return plans. Establish that you will not overstay and definitely return to your home country after completing your tourist visa period.


In the conclusion, write a summary for your SOP and reiterate your need to visit Canada. End the write-up on a positive and thankful note.

What to Include in the SOP for Visitor Visa Canada?

Your statement of purpose for visitor visa Canada should inevitably contain the following points should it be considered for temporary residence visa (TRV) issuance. 

Reason for visit:

Establish clearly why you are visiting Canada –for tourism purpose or for any other purpose. 

Why Canada:

Why have you chosen Canada as the destination for your vacation and not any other country like the USA, France or the UK?

Your itinerary:

Your SOP for Canada visitor visa must provide the reader with your detailed travel plan including the travel destinations you plan to visit, so that the officer can take an informed decision regarding visa issuance. 

Details regarding sponsors:

You need to tell who will sponsor your trip. Are you doing it yourself or having someone do it for you? You need to produce supporting documents for whatever answer you give. 

Relationship between sponsors:

If anyone is sponsoring your trip to Canada, it is necessary to show in what way you are related to that person.

Proof of funds:

Canadian Immigration authorities are very particular about verifying your fund sources because they don’t want anyone to get a clearance to Canada by producing fake documents. 

List of documents submitted:

Your SOP is also a document which serves as an index of all the documents that you are submitting. In case you are not including any document, you should mention that in the SOP with your reasons for not including it. 

Return plans:

In fact, the most crucial part of your visitor visa SOP is your return plans. When you are intending to return to your home country and so forth.

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Mistakes to Avoid in an SOP for a Tourist Visa?

Your Canada tourist visa SOP is a serious document and thus it shouldn’t contain the following mistakes. 

Fabricated information:

Everything you mention in your SOP will be cross-checked. If any information is found incorrect, it will damage the credibility of your profile. 

No logical sequencing:

When you write your SOP, it is important to keep the information logically organized. Incoherency can damage the overall appeal of your write-up.


Grammatical and spelling mistakes must be avoided. They will not only affect the readability but also will cause your application to get rejected when there are many applicants. 


Even if you find an online SOP for Canada tourist visa sample quite similar to what you want to say, write your own unique SOP. Plagiarism in SOP will lead to serious troubles like blacklisting.

Irrelevant information:

Only talk about the most relevant details that make complete sense in the context of your visitor visa to Canada. Avoid all irrelevant points.

Top Reasons to Visit Canada to Write in SOP for Canada Visitor Visa

Canada is the second largest country in the world with many sightseeing locations to visit. The following are some of the top reasons people mention in their SOP for visitor visa Canada.

Scenic spots:

There are a myriad of scenic places in Canada that attract international tourists. This includes Niagara Falls, Toronto, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Vancouver, Art Gallery of Ontario, Casa Loma, Ottawa, Montreal, Victoria and more.

Year-round charm:

Canada is so large. Obviously, the climate in the country varies from province to province. By picking the right destination, you can go to Canada any time of the year.


Canada consists of ten provinces. Each province has got its own unique traditions, culture and festivals. Toronto International Film Festival, Calgary Stampede, Quebec Winter Carnival, etc. to cite a few. 

Diverse culture:

Canada has one of the most diverse cultures in the world. It has citizens from Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and the Pacific. Anyone from anywhere in the world can call Canada home. Also Canadians are popular for their kind hospitality.

Outdoor activities:

 There are options for all kinds of outdoor activities in Canada. Skiing, snowboarding, canoeing, mountain climbing, mountain biking and more options are available for a Canada visitor visa holder.

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Understand the Reasons for Canada Visitor Visa Rejection Before Writing Your SOP

The following are some of the common premises under which your application for a visitor visa to Canada could be rejected. Make sure that you address each of these specific areas while writing your SOP. 

Insufficient proof of funds:

Not having proof of sufficient funds to stay in Canada or to return to the home country can lead to rejection of your application. 

Family ties:

If the entrant has got close family residing in Canada, you might not get a visitor visa to Canada as there are more chances for you to stay back in Canada. 

Job status:

If you don’t have a salaried job or source of income in your home country, you may not get a visitor visa to Canada as you will likely stay in Canada. 

Travel history:

 If you are visiting Canada without any travel history of visiting any other country, visa authorities will not sanction your visitor visa to Canada. 

Suspicious purpose of visit:

If you have mentioned your purpose of visit only vaguely, for instance, to visit a friend in Canada, it would lead to visa rejection. Be more specific.

Basic Requirements to Comply with In Order to Apply for A Canadian Visitor Visa

  • You must have a valid passport with a 6 months of validity
  • Police Clearance Certificate (PCC)
  • A clear intent to visit the country
  • Sponsorship Letter or Letter of Invitation
  • Return flight tickets
  • Proof of hotel bookings, if there is no sponsors
  • Travel insurance certificate
  • Strong ties to your home country and native place
  • Health Fitness Certificate to prove that you don’t suffer from any serious illnesses.  
  • Travel documents and itinerary plan
  • Proof of funds 
  • Clear intent to leave Canada after the visit
  • Proof of your employment status


Did you enjoy reading this blog and did you benefit from it? We are happy and hopeful that you did so. 

Are you ready to write your SOP for Canada visitor visa now? It shouldn’t be a challenge anymore if you put into practice the tips and steps discussed in this blog. 

Start your journey to Canada with a powerful SOP for Visitor Visa. Seeking help from a Visa Consultant regarding other documents will give added advantage to your effort to get a Visitor Visa Canada. If you have any questions or doubts or suggestions or feedback regarding the topic we discussed in this blog, we would like to hear them from you. Write them in the comment below.


What is an SOP for a Tourist Visa in Canada?

An SOP for Tourist Visa in Canada is an official document that helps you get a tourist visa to Canada. Here in this document, you have to mention your reason to visit Canada and your plans while staying the country, intention to go back to your home country, etc.

How long does it take to process a visitor visa application for Canada in 2025?

The duration to process the visitor visa application is usually from 15-35 days. Though there were some delays in the last months of 2023, in 2024, the processing time is usually two to five weeks.

What should I include in my SOP for a Canada Tourist Visa?

SOP for Canada Tourist Visa should include your reason to visit the country, planned itinerary, your ties to your home country and reasons to go back to your home country. If these points are not conveyed well, your SOP can be rejected. 

Can I apply for a visitor visa online?

Yes, you can apply for a visitor visa online by filling your application through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website. You can either seek the help of Canadian Visa consultants to ease your process. 

Can I extend my visitor visa while I am in Canada?

Under certain situations visitor visa extension is possible. But you must well understand the process and limitations involved prior to submitting the visa extension application. 

What are the formatting guidelines to write an SOP for Canada Visitor Visa in 2025

In order to write a SOP for any professional or academic font is okay. For instance, Helvetica, Arial or Times New Roman. Keep the font size to 12 points and retain that in all the paragraphs. You can either choose to indent or not indent. If you are indenting, do it for the first line of all paragraphs. In that case, you are not required to leave any additional space between paragraphs. If you don’t indent, leave additional space between paragraphs. Choose 1.5 inch or double spacing for the entire write-up.

Picture of ANJIT V.S

I'm Anjit.V.S, freelance writer, academic documentation expert, and brand consultant. Having worked with thousands of students and global brands, I bring extensive and diversified experience to every project. Crafting compelling narratives and devising strategic branding solutions are my forte. With an unflinching commitment to excellence, I consistently deliver impeccable results. Whether it's shaping brand identities, drafting academic documents or brainstorming marketing strategies, you can confidently rely on me to bring innovation and expertise to the table. Let's collaborate and elevate your brand together!

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