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Dental School Letters of Recommendation Writing Guide 2024

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Are you struggling to write impressive dental school letters of recommendation? Imagine losing your chance in the admission screening due to a less impressive recommendation letter. It can be quite intimidating. From finding the right referee to providing him/her with the required information, there are a few things to keep in mind while getting ready with letters of recommendation for dental school. Through this blog, we will guide you in the right direction of writing a dental recommendation letter. It deals with a series of questions such as: 

  • How to write a dental recommendation letter in 2024?
  • Whom to request a dental recommendation letter?
  • How to draw insights from dental school letters of recommendation example?

What are Letters of Recommendation For Dental School?

Letters of recommendation for dental school refer to the official letter written on behalf of a dental school aspirant by a known faculty or a project manager or employer. The letter is addressed to the admission panel of a college or university where the candidate is intending to apply for the dental school program.

Why Are Letters of Recommendation Dental School Important?

When selecting a candidate for their dental school program, the admission committee of institutes will ensure that the applicant considered is qualified, skilled and suitable for their program. A recommendation letter helps them with that. 

  • A recommendation letter officially introduces the candidate to the selection committee. 
  • Recommendation for dental school validates a candidate’s relevant skills, experiences or exposure to the dental school program.
  • LOR by authorized personnel like the HOD or professor has high credibility. The admission panel values it with due respect. 
  • Recommendation helps the admission panel verify the candidate’s character.
  • With the help of the recommendation letter, the selection committee can easily figure out how unique each of their candidates is.
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Six Basic Questions to Ask Yourself Before Writing Dental School Letters of Recommendation

Are you confused about what information to supply in your dental school recommendation letter? Ask yourself the following six questions and you will be ready to start writing them straight away. 

In what capacity did you associate with the applicant? 

Explain the type of relationship you had with the candidate – whether he was your employee, student, colleague, or trainee. Do not forget to mention the duration of your association. 

What remarkable achievement or accomplishment did the candidate make under your supervision? 

Talk about any specific milestone that the candidate made while he was under your supervision. Specify what it was, how complex the project was and how the candidate used his knowledge, strengths, experience, or management skills to make that achievement. 

What personal qualities or values did you notice in the applicant? 

Mention the personal values you noticed in the quality. You can pick one or two qualities that mostly found the candidate was associated with. This might include the candidate’s attention to detail or integrity or dedication to responsibilities. 

Do you recall any specific instances which showed the candidate’s caliber to take up a highly responsible task and complete that successfully? 

Talk about an instance where the candidate came out successfully. This could be a particular target at work or an academic project or a personal record. The purpose is to establish the candidate’s ability and potential to succeed in dental school.

Do you really want to recommend this candidate to this dental school? If so, why? 

Show how strongly you recommend the candidate and why you think the candidate deserves admission for the dental school project. 

How to submit letters of recommendation for dental school? 

Find out whether you are required to submit the LOR directly to the selection panel of the dental school or hand it over to the applicant.

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Six Basic Questions to Ask Yourself Before Writing Dental School Letters of Recommendation

Having talked with many retired admission officers in the past, we have found out that admission officers would usually expect the following things in the dental school LOR. 

  • The readability of the LOR: Yes, no admission officers would entertain a poorly written LOR. They enjoy reading brilliantly written letters. 
  • Relationship between referee and candidate: If the LOR leaves no clue as to how the candidate is related to the referee, the admission officers will assume that the letter is engineered. 
  • Contact details: Although it is rare, admission officers may initiate follow-up with the referee if any points seem unclear. So, providing contact details is essential.  
  • Positivity and enthusiasm of the referee: If the LOR does not reflect the positivity and enthusiasm of the referee, it will not impress the admission officers.
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What Should Be the Length of a Dental Letter of Recommendation?

You may write your dental letter of recommendation in about one page. In terms of the number of words, it can go up to 500.

Sample Dental School Letters of Recommendation

We are glad to share with you a few dental school letters of recommendation examples here. Going through them would help you know the expectations and thus prepare the letter accordingly.

Dear Member of the Admission Desk

I am writing this reference letter to express my strong support for the admission of XXXX to your esteemed dental school. As his former mentor of him at XXX Dental Clinic, where he did his internship in Endodontics, I had the chance of working with him for a period of six months and witnessing his passion for dentistry, dedication to patient care and exceptional communication skills.

XXX has consistently shown his passion for a career in the field of dentistry. He worked hard for each day to enhance his knowledge and skills in the field. He believed that oral health care was the key to a person’s personality and confidence level and by helping a person improve his oral health, it was possible to make a positive impact on their life.

The management too was impressed by his keen interest and involvement in everything that it dealt with. Hence it entrusted him to organize a one-day seminar on dental hygiene for children aged 6 to 15. XXX proved his leadership and communication skills through this event. He managed to make it a successful one by sending invitations to more than 150 families and ensuring that about 200 children and 80 parents took part in it.

As a mentor, I never had to remind him to do anything. He was highly self-motivated and convinced of what he was supposed to do. He consistently went beyond my expectations in terms of practical work.

One of the top qualities that distinguished XXX from other internees was his commendable interpersonal skills. He was kind and compassionate and knew very well how to interact with each patient. Most of the time, children who come to the dental hospital are extremely petrified to undergo treatment. XXX, through his warm demeanour and compassionate nature, would interact with them softly and make them feel comfortable with the treatments. Not only children, he was equally good at interacting with people of all age groups and gender and backgrounds.

Overall, XXX has my full support and recommendation for the specified dental school program. Given his exposure to the field of dentistry and deep domain knowledge and an unwavering passion, I am certain that he is made to become a dentist. And I believe this program will prepare him for that. If you need to know anything further about him, feel free to contact me at the below contact information. Thank you for taking the time to review this reference letter. I wish XXX the best of luck in his journey to become an accomplished dentist.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Organization]

How to Use the Samples? Some Basic Guidelines

How are you supposed to use the sample dental school letters of recommendation? The following guidelines will show you. 

  • Learn the LOR structure and format: The samples given here are written in a certain structure and format. Try to get familiar with both when you review the samples. 
  • Learn how to introduce yourself: The first paragraph of the sample shows how the referee introduces himself in it. 
  • Salutation: See how the referee addresses the admission officer in dental school letters of recommendation example.
  • Range of information: Figure out the range of information that you can supply in the recommendation letter.
  • How to conclude: Examine how to conclude a letter of recommendation from the given sample.
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How to Write Dental School Letters Of Recommendation?

It is important to have a definite strategy before you start writing a dental school reference letter for a candidate. Here is a time-tested strategy to help you. 

Know the requirements: Get a clear understanding of the LOR requirement such as the exact program, the institute, specific writing guidelines by the institute etc. Once you have clarity regarding the expectations, go to the next step. 

Collect points: Gather relevant details from the candidate. The six basic questions we shared above will help you figure out the type of information you will need. Check the academic records of the candidate to verify any specific information shared by the candidate. 

Review samples: Next, get familiar with the LOR writing style by reviewing a few authentic samples. The samples we have shared here are reliable since they have been written by experts for specific scenarios. 

Compose the letter: Start writing the dental school reference letter once you have become confident. Start with a powerful introduction followed by the body, conclusion and contact details. Write each point with details leaving no room for doubts. 

Proofread: Once the letter is ready, read it a few times eliminating all mistakes that you notice. All grammatical and spelling mistakes are to be rooted out. Similarly, make sure that the letter reads smoothly from start to end.

From Whom Should I Get Letters of Recommendation for Dental School?

You can approach the following persons for writing your LOR depending on how many letters of recommendation for dental school are required. 

A Dentist: If you have a personal or professional relationship with a reputed dentist who knows about your passion to pursue a career as a dentist, you can request him/her for the LOR. 

A professor: Your former college professor can write your recommendation letter for dental school. They should be able to give validation for your academic achievements. 

Employer/supervisor: If you have had any opportunity for working in a dental-related job, you can ask the employer or supervisor to write your LOR. 

Co-worker: Your co-worker in a dental-related job would know about your passion for becoming a dentist, so they could write an apt recommendation letter.

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Final Checklist

Not sure whether your letters of recommendation for dental school are ready to be submitted? Here are a few questions to help you verify it. 

  • Does your dental school LOR reveal your true passion for a career as a dentist? 
  • Does the recommendation letter prove that you have the calibre to take up the dental school program and complete it successfully? 
  • Does the LOR meet the institute requirements like format, word count, and required information? 
  • Does the LOR agree with the information supplied in the statement of purpose and the dental school application? 
  • Has the LOR been proofread and edited?
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Do’s and Don’ts in Dental School Letters Of Recommendation


  • Get ready with your LOR at least a month in advance. This gives you sufficient time for corrections.
  • Choose someone who is involved in a dental-related job or academic program to write your LOR. 
  • Customize the LOR as per the requirements for the dental school program and the candidate’s unique characteristics. 
  • Proofread the LOR at least four times before submitting it. An error-free LOR goes to great lengths in impressing the selection panel. 
  • Supply relevant examples that make the candidate ideal for the dental school program in the recommendation letter. 


  • Don’t write a lengthy or short recommendation letter. Write it at the recommended length which is approximately 500 words. 
  • Don’t use complicated vocabulary or jargon even if they are related to dentistry. Use simple words that convey the message directly. 
  • Don’t request your dental school LOR from someone who is not willing to recommend you or is not related to dentistry in any manner. 
  • Don’t overly praise the candidate. Write a balanced recommendation letter providing solid examples for what you write. 
  • Don’t forget to thank the referee for sparing their valuable time to write a recommendation letter. Appreciate their time, effort, and openness.


Good job if you have written impressive letters of recommendation for dental school with the help of this blog. Remember that a positive LOR for dental school can have a significant influence on the selectors.  

If you want any further help regarding your dental letter of recommendation letter, we are happy to help you. We are constantly trying to add more information to this blog as and when new updates happen. Feel free to leave your suggestions, feedback, or questions in the comment below.

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I'm Anjit.V.S, freelance writer, academic documentation expert, and brand consultant. Having worked with thousands of students and global brands, I bring extensive and diversified experience to every project. Crafting compelling narratives and devising strategic branding solutions are my forte. With an unflinching commitment to excellence, I consistently deliver impeccable results. Whether it's shaping brand identities, drafting academic documents or brainstorming marketing strategies, you can confidently rely on me to bring innovation and expertise to the table. Let's collaborate and elevate your brand together!

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