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Stanford University Personal Statement – Everything You Were Looking For!

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Looking for higher education abroad? 

Why not aim for Stanford University? 

Stanford is one of the best universities in the world. 

By being a little careful in drafting your personal statement for Stanford university, it is not impossible to secure your candidacy there. 

In this power-packed blog, we are discussing everything about Stanford personal statement such as: 

  • What is a personal statement for Stanford?
  • How to write it in simple steps?
  • Personal statement examples Stanford

What is A Stanford University Personal Statement?

Stanford personal statement is an essay that the university selection panel will require from each applicant at the time of screening them for admission to their prestigious programs. Through this essay, the applicants are expected to show how they differ from other applicants and how their profile fits Stanford’s vision, mission, expectations and ethics. 

How Can a Personal Statement Help You Materialize Your Stanford Dreams?

Universities like Stanford receive several times more applications than their actual program capacities. 

The majority of the applications would be from eligible candidates. 

So, the institute must pick the most suitable ones from those. 

This is when a personal statement comes to your rescue. 

  • It helps you establish that you are different from all other applicants by way of your relevant experiences, aptitudes, and motivation. 
  • Through your personal statement, you can show that your career aspirations align with the mission and vision of Stanford. 
  • It helps you show how powerful you can be in articulating your thoughts in written format.
  • Via your personal statement, you can show what else you can bring to the table other than academic excellence. 
  • Your Stanford personal statement is solid evidence of your communication skills and personality.
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5 Points You Should Not Miss in Your Stanford Personal Statement

Whichever program you apply to at Stanford, it is imperative to provide the selection committee with a slew of details about you that they are looking for. Here is a list of five must-address questions while you compose your personal statement.

Write about a challenge you came across, and how you faced and overcame that. What did you learn from that experience?

This is a great opportunity to bring a balance to your personal statement, that you are not all about accomplishments but had a fair share of challenges too. Instead of indulging too deeply in discussing the challenge itself, show how you faced and overcame that. 

Will you become a good addition to Stanford’s student community? How will your background, experience, exposure, and aptitude help you in contributing to it?

Stanford is very particular about selecting candidates who can contribute to its students’ community. Show how your leadership qualities, social nature or communication skills will help you contribute to it. 

Describe an achievement or accomplishment you have had that influenced you so much and contributed immensely to your personal growth.

Rather than listing your achievements, try to bring more clarity to it by way of sharing your background, evidence of it and how that influenced your motivation to study at Stanford and prepare for a more accomplished career path. 

Briefly discuss a job/responsibility/extracurricular activity that you were involved in to support your education or family. How did that help you have a varied perception of the world that you live in?

Write about an extracurricular activity you were part of and that is somehow relevant to you in the context of the course you are applying to at Stanford. Try to establish how it helped you master new skills and thereby made you approach the world or situations quite differently than earlier. 

Mention one thing you wish you could have access to or experience at Stanford

Talk about your expectations while studying at Stanford, especially one aspect, for instance, research opportunities, that you wish to give more emphasis to.

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How Long Should a Stanford Personal Statement Be?

Word count:

500 to 600

Character limit:

2500 to 3750

No of pages:

One to two


Leave 1” at the top and bottom and on either side

Font size:

Set to 12 points

Font style:

Select Arial or Times New Roman

Paragraph Structure of Stanford University Personal Statement

By incorporating a good structure into your Stanford personal statement, you can help the selection committee to scan information about you more easily. A solid structure will make the writing easier too. 


Start the personal statement with an engaging introduction. Introduce what you are going to cover in the write-up.

Paragraph one:

In this paragraph, write about your motivations behind choosing this course as your higher study program.

Paragraph two:

Write how what you have done so far, mainly your academic formation and professional exposure, will make you a fit for this program.

Paragraph three:

Write about all other areas, other than your academic side, for instance, your involvement in extracurricular activities, that will add value to your candidacy and bring more probability to your potential to contribute to the institute and the student community.


Write a conclusion that will remain in the mind of the reader and encourage them to take positive action regarding your application.
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Write a Winning Stanford Personal Statement in Six Simple Steps

Writing a winning personal statement for Stanford can be easier if you follow these six simple steps.

Understand the requirements:

Personal statement writing should begin with knowing the requirements. Review the prompts we shared earlier in this blog and prepare your points.


Sit relaxed for a few minutes and brainstorm. Have clarity for the points. Freewriting is a good way to brush up on your writing and prepare yourself before the actual personal statement writing. 

Familiarize the format:

Familiarize yourself with the text formatting and paragraph structuring we shared in this blog. Try to adhere to it with consistency throughout the document. 

Build your outline:

Based on all the inputs you have, develop a personal statement outline. It is good to read a couple of examples as well before you do it. 

Write your statement:

Pick up a time when you can be least distracted and begin to write your personal statement. Try to write as much as you can in one sitting. If you get interrupted, leave it, and write later. 

Review and finalize:

In the final stage, go through your write-up carefully. Pay attention to each word in it. Ensure that your essay looks smooth to read and meets all requirements. Make necessary corrections wherever they are required and finalize. 

Stanford Personal Statement Examples – 1

I believe that I have been a lucky guy. Although I do not hail from a wealthy family, my parents made substantial sacrifices to educate me. Eventually, I enjoyed some things that certain kids cannot even dream of: access to quality education, a safe home to live, and most importantly, the means to transform my potential to skills. I feel an innate urge to give back to my parents, and the society at large where I grew up all these years. Channelizing my diligence and hard work, I wish to establish myself as a mechanical engineer. Having completed my Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Delhi Technical University, India, I look forward to complement my existing knowledge with industry-oriented skills. Studying at Stanford University would bestow me with a gratifying experience, as I translate my ambitions to reality. I aim to earn a PhD in the area of my interest, fostering my research skills. This would equip me with the necessary strengths to give back to my community.

I wish to specialize in the much contextual domain of energy research with transportation applications. Considering the emergency to incorporate sustainable development, I feel it to be imperative to carry out research on the cell technology or biofuel. In fact, I visualize the importance of biofuels from two different perspective. Firstly, the urgency to mitigate carbon footprint from the environment compelled me to think of a research subject, which would ultimately benefit our present and subsequent generations. Moreover, the instability of oil prices due to geopolitical aspects make it necessary to come up with a cheaper alternative for the conventional options. Particularly, thermochemical processes of converting biomass like gasification and pyrolysis interest me significantly. These mechanisms carry immense potential in producing biofuels of the second generation. Given that these processes do not disrupt prices or the food supply, it is imperative to explore such possibilities. In this context, I would like to carry out a research balancing numerical simulation and experimental investigation to obtain a better understanding of mass transport and intra-particle heat present in these conversions. Through my research, I would like to develop kinetic models defining biofuel combustion. I am also keen to explore the catalyst design principles and reaction mechanisms influencing energy efficiency under low-temperature conditions. I believe that my efforts would pave the way for large-scale commercialization of electrical vehicles.

Stanford University happens to be the right institution for me to study, considering the technological sophistication. Its legacy remains unmatched, with fervent contributions to scientific advancements. It would be a gratifying experience for me to integrate myself into this progressive academic environment. Besides, the Department of Mechanical Engineering has got seasoned faculty, specializing in energy research. Personally, I have scanned gone through their academic research, and identified some of the professors I would like to be mentored by. Besides, I have contacted Professor Reginald Mitchell, expressing my intention to research in the area of his interest: developing fuel cells that run on biomass. I also had a conversation with Professor Hai Wang, as his projects on nano analytics, combustion and nanostructures for supercapacitors interested me. I know that not all these aspects share a direct connection to the area of my interest, fuel cell technology or biofuel. However, I would like to capitalize on these learning opportunities and channelize my energies towards my research area.

At the graduation level, I will get the opportunity to meet new aspirants from different cultures across the globe. This will foster my growth as an independent person. I am aware of the necessary efforts and responsibilities to shoulder at the graduate level. With my orientation and experiences complementing my professional goals, I am determined and ready to shoulder the fresh challenges. I feel my innate drive to push me forward to sustain the upcoming challenges. In the process, I will be able to embrace success in my professional path, which would eventually help me realize my dream. I have always looked for opportunities in the reality surrounding me. With my ambition to support the needy get through the legal complications, I look forward to equip myself with the necessary knowledge.I am confident in my ability to enhance the learning environment through peer knowledge sharing. Given that I have graduated from one of the most esteemed universities in India, I can transfer my existing knowledge to research groups. It would be a great experience for me to be a part of the advanced learning community at Stanford University. During my graduation, I benefitted a lot from my projects and practical experiences. Presently, in my final semester, I am working with a research group on the propulsion system of a lunar project. I am a part of a team developing a nano-satellite powered by electrolysis, designed to orbit the Moon. In the last few months, I have conducted a number of propulsion characterization tests, where I have gauged the efficiency metrics and key thrust in a thermal vacuum chamber. Channelizing my interests and energy from hereon to the mentioned domains, I look forward to shape a dynamic career for myself.

The Master’s program that Stanford University offers would propel me towards my professional goals. An opportunity to study in your esteemed institution will bestow me with the scope to enhance my research skills. As always, I remain open to fresh ideas and never hesitate to take on workloads to embrace my goals. With my deep commitment, along with the enriched learning environment at Stanford University, I look forward to realize my professional ambitions.

Go through this outstanding personal statement for Stanford university example PDF before you begin to work on your write-up.

Download Stanford University Personal Statement Sample PDF

Example 3 – Stanford Law School Personal Statement

Here is a real-world Stanford LLM personal statement sample to widen your understanding. Make sure to analyse the style of writing and format used in it.

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6 Common Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Stanford Personal Statement

The admission committee of Stanford University will take serious note of the following mistakes when they peruse your personal statement. 

Don’t forget to eliminate them from your write-up.

Using cliched quotes:

Starting the personal statement with cliched quotes will not impress the selectors of Stanford University. They expect a more personalized and unique approach from your side.

Giving excuses:

While it is necessary to keep a balance between your strengths and weaknesses, don’t try to give excuses for your backlogs. Instead, acknowledge, give reasons, and explain how you overcame those. 

Dwelling on irrelevant points:

This mostly happens with students who don’t have enough insights to write. To make up the word count, they dwell on irrelevant pasts. Brainstorm for relevant points and write a solid essay. 

Writing like a resume:

You are not expected to list your skills, strengths, and achievements as if in a resume while mentioning them in the personal statement. Give solid background and evidence for your points. 

Repeating obvious facts:

Some of the information, for instance, your GPA, are obvious from your academic certificates. It is not necessary to include those details again in your personal statement.

Failing to stay focused:

When you address a specific point in a paragraph, keep your complete attention on that. Also, keep the overall focus of your write-up on the core function of the personal statement. 


Tried and Tested Tips from Industry Experts

Students who apply with professionally written personal statements at Stanford University usually win their admission. 

Find below the tips and trips shared by industry experts.


If you have a personal statement that is engaging to read, you have a better chance of convincing the selection committee. Use the below two tricks for adding engagement to your write-up.


Know the values, mission and vision of Stanford University and try to align your profile with the same in the personal statement. This level of customization quickly impresses the selectors.


Making your personal statement hundred percent yours is where personalization works at its best. Begin with your personal story and then keep the focus on you throughout the writing.


Revision will help you bring maximum perfection to the write-up. Each time you revise, you can notice a defect and correct it. When you repeat this process multiple times, you will have more perfection in the document. 


Finally, you need to ensure that your personal statement ticks a few checkboxes – correct format, the inclusion of relevant points, recommended structure, word count, etc. 

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Why Do Students Prefer Stanford?

When the list of internationally reputed universities is published each year, Stanford always makes its place in the top ten. 

Thousands of students from around the world prefer to study at Stanford for the following reasons:

  • One of the most research-oriented institutes at the global level
  • Excellent academics 
  • Well-equipped facilities – research park, SoM central loading dock etc. 
  • Students-friendly campus 
  • Cultural diversity of students and faculties

How to Apply to Stanford University?

If you are seeking admission to Stanford University, here is how you need to apply. 

  • Appear for the admission test – SAT or ACT depending on your desired program 
  • Clear TOEFL 
  • Fill out your application 
  • Write a stunning personal statement for Stanford 
  • File your application and wait for the response

What is the Acceptance Rate at Stanford University?

Given that Stanford is one of the world’s best universities, getting your admission there is going to be tougher unless you file a perfect application. As per the most recent report, the acceptance rate to Stanford is 5.2%.

Popular Programs Offered by Stanford University

  1. Computer science
  2. Cognitive science
  3. Econometrics and quantitative economics
  4. Biology
  5. Mechanical engineering
  6. Human biology
  7. Engineering
  8. Engineering
  9. Political science and government
  10. Research and experimental psychology

Did We Address All Your Concerns?

You can’t make your way into Stanford without a stunning personal statement. 

We hope that we could help you with the preparation of it. 

Are you ready to write your Stanford personal statement now and apply for your admission there? 

We would like to know what you think.

Share your thoughts in the comments below.  

Picture of ANJIT V.S

I'm Anjit.V.S, freelance writer, academic documentation expert, and brand consultant. Having worked with thousands of students and global brands, I bring extensive and diversified experience to every project. Crafting compelling narratives and devising strategic branding solutions are my forte. With an unflinching commitment to excellence, I consistently deliver impeccable results. Whether it's shaping brand identities, drafting academic documents or brainstorming marketing strategies, you can confidently rely on me to bring innovation and expertise to the table. Let's collaborate and elevate your brand together!

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