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Make Your Marketing Personal Statement Stand Out: Writing Tips and Strategies

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Your university application closing date is just around the corner. You are not yet ready with your application, especially your marketing personal statement. 

Do you find yourself in this situation? Well, you are not alone. Most students go through this phase. But, don’t worry because we got your back. 

This blog contains everything you need to know about business marketing personal statement. 

If you dare read it from start to end carefully, you will understand: 

  • What is a marketing personal statement and how to write it? 
  • Successful writing strategies and expert writing tips 
  • Marketing personal statement examples

What is a Marketing Personal Statement?

A marketing personal statement is a 500 to 750-word long essay in which you will write about the factors that make you worthy of being considered for a higher study program or job in marketing. These factors include your motivation, future plans in marketing, skills and strengths that make you stand out etc. 

Why Do You Need a Marketing Personal Statement?

A marketing personal statement is your entry pass to any marketing higher study program or job. Below are two different contexts when you will be asked for a marketing personal statement. 

Higher Studies

When you apply for higher education, for instance, a master’s, you will need to include a personal statement for masters in marketing in your application. A growing number of institutes ask for it for bachelor’s programs as well. 


When you apply for a job in the domain of marketing, your job application should consist of a personal statement for marketing job. In this, you will explain what you can bring to the table as a prospective candidate. 

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Steps to Write a Successful Marketing Personal Statement

The following steps will help you write a successful marketing personal statement. Make sure that you proceed to the next step only once you are certain that you have executed the previous step carefully and effectively. The following steps are written for the sake of higher studies application. 

Read about your college/university:

Your personal statement needs to align with your college/university’s mission, vision, writing instructions and course specialities. So, it is good to read about all those specific areas.

Study about marketing:

You need to have a clear vision as to where you want to head in the marketing domain. Do you want to excel as a marketing executive? Would you rather be a marketing researcher? Find out what goes more closely with your skills and interests.

Prioritize your points:

A good personal statement will carry the most relevant points. Be it achievements or skills or experience, pick up the ones that are most relevant and can easily reflect your interest and communicate your thoughts about marketing. 

Do freewriting:

Once you have an idea about what to write, do a freewriting session. Write as much as you can in one sitting. This will be the most natural writing you can have. Take it as the first draft of your personal statement.

Modify and finalize your write-up:

Next, bring your draft to a proper paragraph structure. Also, format the text in an academically acceptable manner. Use the requirements given by your university if any.

Proofread and get proofread:

Proofreading must be done both by you and by someone else whom you trust. This is because when you proofread something you have written, you are likely to overlook a lot of flaws. When someone else does it, they are more likely to catch those flaws. 

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Check Out These Marketing Personal Statement Examples

To push your boundaries and write a truly amazing personal statement, you need to have real-world exposure to some of the best personal statement examples for marketing. Here are a couple of them for you to review. Go through each of them carefully and understand how the writer’s unique perspective makes it stand out. 

What appeals to me the most about fashion marketing is the dynamic nature of this industry. The evolving fashion industry has an ultimate say in the styling and dressing preferences of the generation. New trends in the fashion industry keep coming. I find it an interesting pursuit to carve a career in the fashion marketing industry. It would be a gratifying experience for me to influence fashion trends through a multiplicity of channels. In marketing, I have heard that the sky’s the limit. Well, when it comes to something that I love, I would channelize my efforts to specialize in the domain. This justifies why I have decided to pursue the Master’s program in fashion marketing from your revered institution.

I have closely observed that fashion enthusiasts cherish the nostalgia from the previous eras. At the same time, new trends blend themselves seamlessly with the existing ones. My interest in both the domains of fashion and marketing makes me a suitable candidate for this program. Through my research, I have come to know that the global fashion industry is developing and ever-changing. I feel intrigued by its innovative and unpredictable nature. From the marketer’s perspective, I believe that everything that is carried out behind the scenes while developing a particular product is as crucial as what people get to see.

In the digitized world of business, the fashion retail industry has undergone a massive change. I would like to focus on the domain of sustainable fashion. I strongly believe in my abilities to specialize in the area of my interest and shape a lucrative career for myself. I feel myself lucky to have travelled extensively across different nations across the world. Visiting places brings me the chance to explore fashion trends. After all, fashion is powerful enough to shape a culture, and impart a distinct identity to an individual. I also believe that fashion trends should strongly articulate cultural elements from different parts of the world. A healthy integration of all these elements defines the cultural outfits of the world.

At college, I studied psychology, specializing in the business or commercial perspective. Channelizing my research and analytical skills, I developed my understanding on marketing after assessing the perspective of the buyers. This knowledge will largely assist me while forecasting fashion trends and researching the same. In the past, it has significantly assisted me in problem-solving. Now that I have developed my transferable skills, I can seamlessly imbibe the necessary knowledge in fashion marketing to craft my career.

Back in India, I already worked as a customer relationship manager at Forever 21, Mumbai. Working closely with a fashion apparel store largely shaped my profile. I utilized this opportunity to develop a strong understanding of merchandising and influencing my customers. While working with this company, I was responsible for fostering healthy relationships with our customers. In the process, I ensured the best quality service for the promotion of our products and the brand. Each day, I used to work on the sales figures and statistics to identify effective marketing trends. Besides, the brand entrusted me with the responsibility of dressing mannequins. I found a powerful means to express my creativity.

I have also undergone training on Coursera, following fashion marketing modules closely. It was a gratifying experience for me to imbibe industry-oriented knowledge on creating and designing products. Particularly, I love researching before designing any product. Given that I have a strong understanding of both the manufacturing and sales process of apparel, I can fit into the new institution. Presently, I have a basic understanding on how to attract customers in the fashion marketing domain. I have also gained hands-on experience in increasing revenues by promoting products. At the same time, I have honed valuable customer service skills.

At this juncture of my career, a specialized course on fashion marketing will open up fresh career opportunities for me. In India, I have a tremendous scope awaiting me in large fashion retail outlets. I aspire to capitalize on these opportunities by equipping myself with the necessary skills. An internationally recognized degree will complement my efforts and help me mature as a seasoned marketing professional in the Indian fashion industry. In a country that hosts hundreds of sub-cultures and creeds, it would be a challenging, yet interesting career to pursue.

Your university offers practical and industry-oriented knowledge. Having gone through the official website, I have come to know about the modules. It would be a pleasure for me to integrate myself into the dynamic academic environment in your revered institution. Imbibing the skills closely from seasoned professionals, I can leverage my understanding and skills. Your country has an established academic infrastructure, and the degrees are recognized across the globe. Considering all these aspects, I have decided to pursue the program from Canada. A berth in your institution will significantly propel my career in India. I promise to deliver my best and promote knowledge acquisition through peer learning at your institution.

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What Should You Include in The Marketing Personal Statement?

Your business management and marketing personal statement should sound like an optimistic piece of writing where you show an immense amount of conviction, exposure, and vision. Here are the must-have components in this piece of writing. 

About your interest in marketing

How strongly do you feel a liking for a career in marketing? Would you be willing to do it even if it pays less than another profession you could do? Universities will expect candidates who choose a career path out of true passion. So, express your passion for the field.


You have shown that you have an interest in marketing. Now, talk about one or two most relevant exposures you have in this field. For instance, your recent involvement in a digital marketing workshop or your hands-on experience in setting up an exhibition stall. 

Academic and professional background

University admission panels would be interested in knowing about your past academic records, subjects you studied and if you have any professional history. Write about them and how each of them contributed to the shaping of who you are now. If there is a course change or gap, explain why. Try to highlight the benefits you gained from those seemingly negative areas rather than sounding apologetic. 

Future plans

To be able to write what you will be interested in after you leave the institute, you need to know about the different career paths you can choose in the field of marketing. So, read about different options, visualize yourself donning any of those roles and write where you would like to see that particular career path down the line, say 5 years or 10 years time.

International Marketing Personal Statement Writing – Be Careful of These Do’s and Don’ts


  • Keep it personal and focused on you. Don’t write about Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos. Write about yourself and what you aspire to become. 
  • Prove your strong understanding of marketing. Show that you have chosen this particular career path with a strong understanding. 
  • Make it interesting to read from start to end. Use a friendly tone throughout without compromising on the professional nature of the essay. 
  • Be true to yourself. A genuine personal statement will identify more closely with the fact of who you are. 
  • Pique the interest of the reader in the introduction. Similarly, give out what to take away from the document in the conclusion. 


  • Don’t plagiarize your marketing personal statement. Plagiarism will not only get your application rejected but also lead to getting blacklisted. 
  • Don’t rush to write. If you are left with no time to write a well-thought-out and error-free marketing masters personal statement, seek professional writers’ help. 
  • Don’t write too long or too short. If it’s too long, selectors will think you have not prioritized your points. A too-short essay reveals your inability to present your points. 
  • Don’t stuff in technical jargon to make it a complicated read. It is ideal to present your essay in simple language. 
  • Don’t simply list points. Whatever you say in the personal statement must be supported by facts and evidence. 
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Why Choose Marketing as a Field of Study?

Marketing is perhaps one of the top ten higher study programs worldwide. Here are the various benefits of choosing it as a higher study program. 

It covers a wide range of topics:

Marketing is a branch of study that trains one in a variety of concepts such as business, economics, corporate culture, logical thinking, data analysis and more. 

Marketing has multiple everyday applications:

Even if you don’t want to become an entrepreneur or don’t wish to get into sales and marketing, the skills and applications that you learn can be useful for your everyday life.

It offers a wide range of career choices:

After completing a higher study program in marketing, you will have a wide range of career options to choose from. For instance, marketing executive, brand management, digital marketing etc. 

It improves your communication skills:

A marketing program will require students to do a lot of presentations, seminars and public speaking. By the end of the program, you will be able to do a presentation to the public both convincingly and confidently. 

It will not run out of demand:

As a qualified professional in marketing, you will always find yourself surrounded by job opportunities in marketing or any related field.

Top 5 Specializations in Marketing

Marketing is a higher study discipline that is constantly evolving. While getting trained in this field, you can reroute your focus to any of the following specializations. If you already have a clear perspective of where to head, you can mention that in your personal statement for marketing. 

  • Digital Marketing
  • Visual Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Product Marketing
  • Brand Management Marketing

Career Opportunities for a Marketing Graduate

The following are the top career choices for a graduate who completes his/her higher education in the field of marketing. 

  • Marketing Executive 
  • Brand Executive 
  • Customer Relations Associate
  • Business Development Executive
  • Market Researcher

Top Countries & Universities to Head to For Advanced Studies in Marketing


Australia has one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. It’s already a well-developed country. Plus, there are myriads of colleges and universities that offer higher study programs in marketing.  Below is the list of top institutes where you can pursue marketing in Australia. Write a bespoke marketing personal statement for each of these institutes. 

University of Melbourne
University of New South Wales 
Monash University
University of Technology Sydney
University of Wollongong
Queensland University of Technology


Germany is a western European country which is known for its huge manufacturing industries. It is an ideal place for someone who wants to get hands-on experience in marketing. Below are the top German institutes for advanced studies in marketing. Get yourself familiar with marketing personal statement examples before writing a customized personal statement for these institutes. 

Free University of Berlin
University of Cologne
GISMA Business School
University of Bayreuth
Munich Business School
IUBH University


The world’s number one economy, the USA, has a great number of colleges and universities that offer advanced-level training in marketing. Here is a list. 

University of Michigan
University of Pennsylvania
Indiana University
University of Texas
New York University
University of California, Berkeley


The UK hosts some of the most prestigious institutions in the world that offer higher studies in all fields including marketing. Here are the top six UK-based institutes for marketing for your consideration. 

University of Bath
University of London
Durham University
University of Exeter
University of Leeds
Bangor University


What makes a lot of students go to Canada for higher studies? One, it has a growing economy. Two, the country hosts many globally acclaimed colleges and universities. If you are looking to study marketing in Canada, consider the following. 

University of Windsor
Wilfrid Laurier University
Okanagan College
North Island College
Cape Breton University
University Canada West


A bespoke personal statement is essential to improve your chances of getting admission to your desired institute. Where you get trained in marketing determines what you become. 

Have you found this blog helpful in writing your marketing personal statement? Did it answer all your questions? 

We are eager to know and we would highly appreciate your feedback and suggestions. So, write them in the comment below. 

Picture of ANJIT V.S

I'm Anjit.V.S, freelance writer, academic documentation expert, and brand consultant. Having worked with thousands of students and global brands, I bring extensive and diversified experience to every project. Crafting compelling narratives and devising strategic branding solutions are my forte. With an unflinching commitment to excellence, I consistently deliver impeccable results. Whether it's shaping brand identities, drafting academic documents or brainstorming marketing strategies, you can confidently rely on me to bring innovation and expertise to the table. Let's collaborate and elevate your brand together!

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