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Chemical Engineering Personal Statement – A Handy Guide

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Want to file your application for chemical engineering with confidence? Obviously, you can’t do that without including a powerful personal statement for chemical engineering in your application. The higher education arena for programs like chemical engineering is highly competitive and you literally need to convince the admission panel about your suitability for the course. This becomes easier with your personal statement than with any other document. 

This carefully curated guide on chemical engineering personal statement covers: 

  • A solid list of writing steps  
  • 3 chemical engineering personal statement examples
  • Winning tips from industry experts 

What Is Chemical Engineering Personal Statement? How Will It Help You?

Chemical engineering personal statement is your proposition to the admission committee, drafted with the intention of convincing them to approve your application on grounds of your suitability for the program based on your experience, qualification, skills, and strengths. 

A personal statement helps you in the following ways: 

  • It helps you prove to the selection panel that you are a suitable candidate to do chemical engineering
  • Personal statement gives you the space to talk about all the relevant points about you so that the selection panel can take an informed decision regarding your admission 
  • Personal statement is the only document through which you can demonstrate your passion for chemical engineering and your experiences outside the college in the chemical engineering industry
  • Through your personal statement, you can show how you can be a good addition to the institute’s student community
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How Do Admission Officials Assess Your Personal Statement?

There is a checklist of points or factors that the admission panel will use to assess a personal statement before approving it. Please make sure that you pay attention to these points while drafting your document. 

  • Admission panel will see how efficiently you have articulated each point. They will pay attention to the clarity of your thoughts and their organisational style. 
  • If your profile looks similar to the rest, there is nothing unique which can make the selectors consider you. Try to highlight your uniqueness. 
  • Admission panel wants to know what you can bring to the table as a student and as a member of the university students’ community. 
  • Whether your personal statement agrees with the content of documents submitted along with it in the application 

How Long Should A Personal Statement Be?

Word count:

500 words

Character limit:


No of pages:

1 to 2


1” at the top, bottom and either side

Font size:

12 points

Font style:

Times New Roman, Ariel or Georgia
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How to Write a Winning MSc Chemical Engineering Personal Statement?

Collect points:

Remember that you are writing a chemical engineering personal statement. So, it is necessary to tailor it to the program. Read about the program from your institute’s website as well as from outside sources. Have quick access to all relevant points while writing.  

Structure and outline:

Understand what structure you have to use in your write-up. You may consider reviewing the personal statement prompts you received from the selection panel. It is imperative to include all those points in your writing. 

Make it specific to chemical engineering:

There are different types of engineering programs. The admission panel is looking for a specific statement that clearly focuses on your journey to developing a passion for chemical engineering. Include experiences, conversations with chemical engineers etc to develop a unique theme. 

Demonstrate what you’ve done:

Talk about all achievements you have made in the relevant fields of chemical engineering. Explain how you did and what particularly made you good at those. Each specific detail you add to the write-up will help it gain more acceptance chances.

Prune the introduction and conclusion:

You need to present the selection committee with a perfect essay with the introduction and conclusion carefully pruned. While your introduction helps you win quick attention from the selectors, the conclusion will help you remind the reader about your profile. 

Edit perfectly and submit early:

Before finalizing your write-up, proofread it carefully and edit it. Root out all grammatical and spelling mistakes. Once you are certain that your personal statement is perfect, submit it. It is recommended to file your application at least a week ahead of the deadline. 

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Example 1 – Chemical Engineering Personal Statement

My fascination with chemistry stems from the fact that I can utilize my knowledge for the betterment of the society that nurtures us. I am a strong believer of the notion that society requires engineers who can eventually make a difference in the world. This thought process has largely shaped my academic profile all these years. Here I stand today, having completed my Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, ready to delve in the area of my interest. In particular, I would like to specialize in Chemical Engineering, which appeals to me the most. I perceive this discipline to be the most fascinating domain of engineering and science. Chemical engineering finds a perfect reflection of human endeavours in itself. I would like to embrace a gratifying career, exploring unknown substances and delivering value to society, eliciting value from raw materials. Evidently, pursuing the Master’s program in Chemical Engineering from your esteemed university would be a logical decision for me.

I would acknowledge my passion for Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry to fuel my interest in Chemical Engineering. Being an avid reader, I have been proactive to explore my professional avenues, when I specialize in this domain. Through my research, I have gained adequate knowledge about my career prospects, establishing myself in industries like oil and gas. It would be a fascinating career to work on valuable new techniques and materials like fuel cells, nanotechnology as well as biomedical engineering. Besides, I am keen to research and develop sophisticated mechanisms to cater to the energy crisis that the global population has been facing. Considering these aspects, I have decided to pursue my Master’s in Chemical Engineering.

Once I enrolled myself for my graduate course in Chemistry at Delhi University, I realized how crucial breakthroughs in Chemistry have been for the world. Organic chemistry is particularly diverse, and it attracts me to explore the area. Often, I wonder how a simple movement of a group of functions can manifest it in so many physical attributes. It’s quite fascinating to think of foam banana sweets having 1-methylbutyl ethanoate for flavouring. Out of curiosity, I remained proactive throughout my academic life at college. Meanwhile, I capitalized on the opportunities that came down my way, including internships and work placements.

In one of my internships, I was working at the Department of Radiology at AIIMS. Here, I got the opportunity to gain adequate insights into the value of complex machines such as CT and MRI scanners, and X-Rays. I also worked at Indian Oil for six months after I got a placement, which further bolstered my understanding of chemical engineering. Here, my function largely involved operating in the drawing office. I utilized this opportunity to master popular industry software such as Inventor, Mathcad and AutoCAD. I feel fortunate to get a direct exposure to interact with professionals in the analysis team and mechanical engineers. Besides, I obtained permission from the authorities to spend some time with the mechanical engineers, geotechnical engineers, civil engineers and the structural team. Learning never goes wasted, and this exposure proved valuable to me, as I gained a holistic understanding of how the industry operates. Particularly, observing process engineers operate in the field streamlined my profile, and I am confident to handle real world projects. Besides, I was able to leverage my knowledge on the separation of water, gas and oil in rigs, along with the overall treatment process.

Meanwhile, I completed a certificate program in 3D CAD, knowing the value of this course for my professional life. Besides being a part of Indian Oil, I also involved myself in fundraising and volunteering activities for the Red Cross Society. All these experiences significantly leveraged my coordination, leadership and teamwork. Presently, I am confident to channelize my problem-solving abilities and inquisitiveness to master fresh skills and stride ahead to a happening career. The progressive academic environment at your university will aptly complement my efforts. Once I am a part of your institution, I would like to refine the learning experience holistically, sharing peer knowledge. A berth in your revered university will propel me towards a happening career.

Download Chemical Engineering Personal Statement Sample PDF

Download the chemical engineering personal statement sample PDF by clicking the button below. Make sure you read it carefully and use it only as reference material to clarify your doubts and learn the structure.

Example 2 – Chemical Engineering Masters Personal Statement

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How to Make Use of Chemical Engineering Personal Statement Examples?

While it is okay to review samples before or after you write a personal statement, it is not recommended to modify a sample for your specific purpose.  Make use of the sample to: 

  • Learn about the specific writing tone to use in the chemical engineering masters personal statement
  • Understand how to structure the paragraphs of your personal statement
  • Learn how to write a catchy introduction and recapitulating conclusion.
  • To figure out how customization and personalization are done effectively in personal statement writing. 

5 Expert Tips That Will Add First Impression to Your Personal Statement

Professionally written personal statements have a 99.9 chance of impressing the selection committee. It is nothing but their experience that helps them write winning personal statements. 

Here are five tips from them for you to use in your personal statement writing. 

Planning is important

Before starting to write, build a roadmap for your project and then execute each step accordingly. 

Read samples

Try to pick up useful insights from your reading of chemical engineering personal statement examples  and implement them in your writing. 

Research chemical engineering

Even if you have a background in chemical engineering, read about the latest happenings and the particular course you are applying to. 

Write within the word limits

It is not recommended to write more than two pages or 500 words. A personal statement needs to be straight to the point and concise. 

Balance formal and engaging tone

Maintain the seriousness of academic writing while blending an engaging tone in your personal statement. 

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What Is Chemical Engineering? What Do Chemical Engineers Do?

Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering which specifically focuses its research and studies on the designing and operating of chemical plants. In the advanced stage of chemical engineering, various methods of chemical production and scaling quantity of production are studied. 

  • Chemical engineers try to solve the problems affecting a series of things such as food, drugs and fuel.
  • They research various manufacturing processes and implement improvements and innovations in them. 
  • They develop the standard operating procedures that employees in chemical engineering plants need to comply with 
  • They design the procedure for separating gases from liquid components.

Scope of Chemical Engineering

  • Chemical engineering has applications in the manufacturing of textiles, food, plastics and petroleum. 
  • Since the industrial sector in India is fast growing, the opportunities that await qualified chemical engineers are high. 
  • Graduated chemical engineers can get into the research field and exploit highly potential career opportunities there. 
  • There is also a huge demand for highly efficient teachers/professors in the field of chemical engineering.

Five Grave Mistakes to Keep Away

The following mistakes in your personal statement about chemical engineering will affect its acceptance chances.

Beware of them while writing. 

  • Not writing convincingly that you are the right fit for the chemical engineering course offered by the university.
  • Letting careless spelling and grammatical mistakes in your writing. 
  • Repeating what you once mentioned or too obvious things from other documents, for instance, your grades. 
  • Forgetting the purpose of writing, which is to convince the selection committee about your profile for chemical engineering. 
  • Giving false information in your personal statement with the hope of convincing them. 

Top 10 Global Universities for Chemical Engineering

  1. Tsinghua University
  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  3. Hunan University
  4. Nanyang Technological University
  5. University of Ottawa 
  6. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  7. Wuhan University of Technology
  8. King Abdulaziz University
  9. South China University of Technology
  10. Soochow University

Before We Sign Off…

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Take a moment to share your feedback and suggestions with us. 

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Picture of ANJIT V.S

I'm Anjit.V.S, freelance writer, academic documentation expert, and brand consultant. Having worked with thousands of students and global brands, I bring extensive and diversified experience to every project. Crafting compelling narratives and devising strategic branding solutions are my forte. With an unflinching commitment to excellence, I consistently deliver impeccable results. Whether it's shaping brand identities, drafting academic documents or brainstorming marketing strategies, you can confidently rely on me to bring innovation and expertise to the table. Let's collaborate and elevate your brand together!

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