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Media and Communication Personal Statement – Everything You Are Looking for

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Is writing media and communication personal statements a challenge for you? A proactive approach to writing it, with a clear understanding of what the selection committee might be expecting from you is needed in the writing of it. This blog has everything you are looking for in that context. You will find in it a concrete illustration of: 

  • What is a media personal statement? 
  • How to write a media student personal statement? 
  • Different media and communications personal statement examples

What Is a Media Personal Statement? Why Must You Have One?

A media and communication personal statement is a self-explanatory document that applicants who want to study media and communication at the university or college level would need to submit. The document conveys what makes them ideal for the role of a communication and media student. The students who write winning personal statements are able to: 

  • Convince the selection committee that they have the skills and experience required for the course
  • Show that their experiences have shaped their suitability for the program
  • Demonstrate that there are ample examples and evidence to back their specific claims about achievements 
  • Establish that they have a genuine passion for the mass media and communication  
  • List out their future aspirations in the field
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How Long Should a Personal Statement for Media Studies Be?

Word count:

About 500

Character limit:

About 2500

No of pages:

1 to 2


One” at either side, top and bottom

Font size:

12 points

Font style:

Arial, Helvetica or Times New Roman

6 Easy Steps to Write Your Perfect Personal Statement For Media And Communication

Writing a winning personal statement for mass communication and media is a long process starting with preparation and ending with proofreading and editing. Approach it systematically taking one step at a time. 

Here is the winning procedure for you to follow.

Understand the scope of media and communication:

Media and communication have become significant today. Try to understand the scope of it in the contemporary world through wide reading, specific research and staying up to date with the trends.

Figure out how you fit into this profession:

Next, try to figure out in what ways you fit into the role of journalist or media personnel. This is where you need to listen to your inner thoughts and get clarity on your true motivation for the program. 

Understand your program features:

 It is equally important to understand the program you are applying to at a certain college or university. Talk to the alumni or read the institute’s website to learn about the course execution pattern, internship scope, exposure etc.

Draft an outline and develop your story:

If you get any creative media personal statement prompts, use the inputs to draft an outline for your essay. You can also consider reviewing the samples we have provided here. A solid and clear outline will be of immense help during your writing. 

Revise and modify:

Once you have finished the writing process, the next step is the most crucial one – revising and modifying. Read your write-up at least five times and check if it is readable and coherent. Keep an eye out for the mistakes as well. 

Seek a second opinion and finalize:

If you are satisfied with your essay, seek a second opinion as well. Approach a colleague or an expert and request a review. Perhaps, they could spot many unappealing elements which can be improved for a better result with your personal statement media. 

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Media Studies Personal Statement Examples

It is often said, and very rightly, that the press is the fourth pillar of a democracy. Spending my formative years in the largest democracy in the world, India, I closely watched how media connects the government and its people. I also realized that used strategically, media can serve as the weapon to build positive opinions or sentiments. The same principle holds good for deploying media as a destructive tool. After all, everything matters on the headline. Interpretation of facts, presentation of circumstances and developing opinions among the public continue to be the benchmarks of an esteemed media person. I look forward to establish myself as a successful journalist, specializing in international affairs. Being well-versed with journalistic writings in blogs and respecting deadlines, I wish to step into the subsequent stages of developing my career.

Personally, I started walking on a journalist’s path when I got the opportunity to take an interview of our local police superintendent. This was a part of my efforts to write an article for a blog called ‘Mindset’. Well, this writeup had nothing to do with crime or investigation. Rather, it was an accomplishment for the superintendent, who happened to be the first of his ranks to scale the Everest. Besides, my love for travel fetched me the opportunity to cover unique traditions in offbeat locations in India. I banked on this opportunity to broaden my range of activities in the journalistic field, publishing blogs on popular travel websites. Now, that I am in the final year of my Bachelor’s course in Journalism and Mass Communication, I look forward to further streamline my profile on completing this advanced program from your university.

Being a member of the Press Club of India, I have developed my contacts over the years in the industry. Besides, I have focussed on my interviewing techniques and writing skills consistently. As a part of my graduation course, I gained familiarity with film studies, communication studies and sociology as well. Holistically refining my profile with adequate strengths and skills, I imbibed the desired values of a media person. In the world of commercialization and political hegemony, the chances of maintaining objectivity in my writeups look thin. However, I prioritized my journalistic values, switching my niche to make the industry fit for my preferences. Rather than venturing into funded domains like entertainment, celebrity or politics, I decided to go for business news and international relations.

I was glad when Business Standard published my feature on demonetization in December 2017. This was my first publication in a publication with that kind of circulation. It was during my internship that I came across this opportunity. The editor was impressed with my efforts, and I have the opportunity to have my name in the by-line. While interviewing the head of All India Radio, Delhi, I encountered a memorable experience. In the flow of conversation, he strayed slightly from our topic of discussion, which was based on the growth of digital radio and its impact on the traditional formats of the medium. Our conversation switched to the role of radio in maintaining international relations. Of course, I understand the value of press and media in maintaining harmony among countries and their people. Being responsible as a journalist happens to be of vital importance to me.

During my leisure hours, I feed my mind with healthy doses of reading. Mark Twain and Charles Dickens continue to be my favourites, although I do a lot of modern reading. Besides, I take special interest in reading blogs and journals on international relations and business. Although I had limited experiences during my graduation to explore these domains, I know that I can prove my competence at the international level once offered an opportunity. As a part of the learning program at your university, I would be interning at some of the reputed global media houses. I look forward to capitalize on these opportunities, and learn from seasoned journalists and writers operating at the international platforms.

Apart from books, I am interested in music, film and history. As I fancy the chances to walk in the shoes of an accomplished journalist, I resolve deep in my heart to create healthy opinions, refraining from petty fights among media houses and opinion leaders. In the world of digitization, the pen still remains mightier than the keyboard when it comes to conceptualizing ideas. Deploying my power and recognition for the general well-being, I would love to explore the potential that the industry holds for me.

Here is a case-specific personal statement for media studies sample PDF for your reading. Check how the essay is developed from scratch with an eye out for the structure, formatting, and writing tone. 

Download Media Personal Statement Sample PDF

Personal Statement for Media and Communication

Film and Media Studies Personal Statement

5 Mistakes That Could Tarnish Your Personal Statement Media and Communication

The following are some of the common mistakes that affect students’ personal statements for media and communication and result in their application rejection. Try to keep them away while you compose your write-up. 

Too long or short:

The recommended length for a personal statement is 500 to 600. If you go beyond this or come short of it, it will make selectors assume you haven’t taken the task seriously. 

Not addressing the prompts:

Try to address all the personal statement prompts you have received from the university or college in your document. Even if one point is ambiguous, it will backfire on the whole purpose. 

Not written for the institute:

It is not possible to write a single media communications personal statement which is fit for all institutes. A certain degree of customization is needed for each institute you apply to. 


It is normal to be impressed by certain thoughts or sentences in communications personal statement examples. But never copy-paste them in your write-up. Institutes use advanced plagiarism checkers. Copy-pasted documents are rejected.

Ignoring mistakes:

It is highly important to pay attention to the details, for instance, spelling and grammatical errors. If you are applying to a UK-based college, use UK English with consistency in your write-up. 

What Is Media and Communication? What Do People Working in That Industry Do?

You cannot think of writing a media production personal statement without a deep understanding of what media and communication is. Media and communication is an umbrella phrase used to indicate all online and offline tools and media used in storing and delivering information to the public. Those who work in the media and communication perform the following duties: 

  • They keep track of what is happening around the world. 
  • They report the news to the world through their respective medium or tools 
  • They edit news for newspapers and digital media. The raw content that they receive needs to be pruned so as to present to the public in an engaging style. 
  • They write news stories for magazines and newspapers 
  • They design media campaigns and manage them effectively. 

What Skills Do You Require to Succeed in the Industry of Media and Communication?

To succeed in your career in the media and communication industry, you need to develop certain key skills and aptitudes that this profession demands. Your formation period is a time to identify them and master them. 

Here is a list of skills you will be expected to possess as media personnel. 

  • In-depth knowledge of current affairs and GK (General knowledge) 
  • Analytical skills 
  • Strong communication skills (oral and written) 
  • Aptitude to do intensive research 
  • Basic IT skills 
  • A knack for creativity 

Globally Reputed Universities for Pursuing Media and Communication

  • University of Southern California
  • The University of Texas at Austin
  • Stanford University
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • New York University (NYU)
  • University of Amsterdam
  • The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU)
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • Michigan State University

That Brings Us to the End…

We have tried to incorporate all necessary points regarding media and communication personal statement in this blog.

Before we wind up this blog, we have a few questions for you. 

Have you enjoyed reading it? 

Are you confident that you can write a perfect media personal statement now?

Your honest feedback and suggestions are our primary input for improving this blog. So, take a moment to write them below. 

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I'm Anjit.V.S, freelance writer, academic documentation expert, and brand consultant. Having worked with thousands of students and global brands, I bring extensive and diversified experience to every project. Crafting compelling narratives and devising strategic branding solutions are my forte. With an unflinching commitment to excellence, I consistently deliver impeccable results. Whether it's shaping brand identities, drafting academic documents or brainstorming marketing strategies, you can confidently rely on me to bring innovation and expertise to the table. Let's collaborate and elevate your brand together!

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