How to Write an MPH Personal Statement with Examples – A Useful Strategy for Aspiring Candidates

Table of Contents

The most challenging part of writing an MPH personal statement is putting your thoughts in the correct way so that the admission committee will know that you are the right fit for their public health program. 

In this blog, you will learn the basics of personal statement for MPH such as: 

  • How does it have to be structured?
  • Six steps on how to write a personal statement for MPH program
  • Dos and don’ts to follow while writing 
  • Guidelines to avoid mistakes.
  • Sample MPH Personal Statement

What is MPH? Is An MPH Worth It?

Masters in public health is a popular program that aims to give professional training to students who want to take up their career in the domain of public health. 

As long as there are human beings on this planet, the relevance of public health will remain intact. So, doing MPH is certainly worth it if you are interested in this domain. 

What Is MPH Personal Statement? What Is Its Purpose?

Personal statement for a masters in public health is a document wherein you will write about your passion for the course, the relevant skills and strengths you have for doing it and how you wish to take your career forward in the domain of public health. 

Best public health personal statement is essential to make your application strong because selectors will learn about you at a personal level from this document. Usually, you will need to write it in about 750 to 1000 words unless you haven’t been given any specific instructions regarding the word count. 

What Elements Will Impress the Admission Panel About Your Personal Statement?

Admission to Masters in Public Health program is done purely on a merit basis. Applicants with good GPAs have greater scope in getting selected. On top of that, a public health personal statement will also impact the selection process. Hence, when you write it, it is important to include in it a few basic things that will strike selectors. 

  • Highlight your relevant experiences in the public health domain. 
  • Good communication skills are valued greatly in the healthcare field. Manifest it through your personal statement. 
  • Volunteering experiences in public health or any other related field are a great plus. 
  • Any case study, research or project you have previously undertaken in the healthcare field will impress the admission panel.

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Be Prepared to Answer These 6 Questions

What contributions can you make to the MPH program you are undertaking?
How and when did the thought of investing your future in public health become strong in you?
What are your strong motivations behind choosing MPH for higher education?
What is your educational and professional background? Would it support your journey as a public health professional?
What makes you think that this particular MPH program is the ideal choice for you?
How will you utilize the program to learn skills, enhance your knowledge and widen your career scopes? What are your future plans after completing the MPH program?

How to Write a Personal Statement for MPH Program?

Your personal statement for MPH program will become a crucial element of application processing as there is tough competition. Here, you will find the most basic steps that will help you write an above-average personal statement for your application.

Understand what the program wants to know from you

A personal statement that is customized for the specific public health program will attract the quick attention of the selectors. So read the program instructions carefully before you start to write. 

Use essay format

Personal statement for masters in public health shouldn’t sound like a replication of your resume. It should rather feel like you are talking to the selection committee in a very personal way. 

Format your writeup as per the institution’s guidelines

Most often, you will have the freedom to choose the personal statement format. However, sometimes institute will ask to use specific formatting and structuring. Follow that unfailingly.

Link your background experiences to the program

If your previous educational background and experiences relate to public health, it is highly recommended to link them to the course you are applying. This way, you can get an edge over other applicants. 

Balance professional tone with the personal touch

Your personal statement for public health must use a professional tone and at the same time shouldn’t lose the personal touch. The appeal of it is impacted by how you balance both in the write-up. 

Spill over your personality and motivations

To make your personal statement unique and original, spill over your personality and motivation throughout it. Explain how your strengths shaped you and weaknesses made you discover new insights. 

Why this Program? Be Specific

There is tough competition in the admission for Masters of Public Health. The admission committee will especially note how candidates sell themselves by showcasing their fitness for the program. Hence, while writing the personal statement, you must put a conscious effort to manifest why you choose MPH.

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Sample Personal Statement for MPH Program

Review these mastes of public health personal statement examples as you prepare to draft your write-up. This will help you draw fundamental insights about major points, formatting and structuring as you go.

Upon self-reflecting during my solitary hours, I realize that during my formative years, I had plenty of questions and fewer answers. I won’t hesitate to admit that I had no definite career plan back in my mind. I can recall, I simply had an inquisitiveness on the origin, structure, growth and operation of living things, which cultivated an interest of Biology in me. When I reached my teens, I wondered what if people successfully practiced preventive medicine to live healthier lives? Adopting a precautionary measure would effectively draw a line of defence against illnesses.

As I ventured into various sports, including athletics, rugby and tennis, I focussed on practising preventive medicine. In the process, I remember taking precautionary measures to try and prevent injuries. Unconsciously, I developed a fascination with the career of a physical therapist. Moreover, I was intrigued by the wonders of science, and how people benefitted from evolving treatment processes. However, what bothered me with the dearth of variety within this domain, and the restrictions on treatment options in the Indian healthcare sector. Over the next few years, I grew firmer over my career choice. By this time, I had made up my mind that I was going to help a large section of people with primary and preventive care. After all, these treatment processes were always better than tertiary care.

As a self-motivated individual, I capitalized on the opportunities in the information age, scanning through medical blogs and journals. Being an avid reader, I spend my leisure hours acquiring industry-oriented knowledge. However, I was now more inclined towards physical health, and health management, rather than simply physical therapy. In this regard, I would acknowledge that I moulded my profile according to the demand of the situation around me over the years.

Officially, I stepped into the domain of public health when I got admitted to my medical school in India after my Intermediates. This was a gratifying learning experience for me, as I attended seminars and conferences, hearing experts talk about chronic health issues. In particular, I was fascinated by the concepts of ‘Medicaid’, ‘rationing of care’ and ‘capitation’. This exposed me to the wide range of issues that called for a positive answer. I realized that professionals operating in the public health department had to innovate strategies and concepts to address these issues. By the time I graduated, I was well-versed with the basics of the healthcare system and the problems it faced. Blending my fieldwork with coursework, I continued to acquire industry-oriented knowledge in the area of my interest.

As always, I have prioritized practical learning, rather than working solely on theoretical aspects. Eventually, I started looking for the position of a research assistant. This would provide me with the opportunity to get a comprehensive view of public health. Meanwhile, I interned at Fortis Hospital, working on a tight-budget project for enhancing the rates of treatment compliances for young people suffering from tuberculosis. These people had to complete a medical program, ranging up to seven months. Working at one of the most reputed hospitals in India, I had a closer look at a different aspect within the healthcare domain. I realized that organization and service were not any country’s assets. However, these had a strong role to play in the public health ecosystem. After all, it has a critical role to play, immunizing the masses and interacting with people in the society. In the process, it maintains the health standards of the overall community.

Apart from this, my graduation years in India bestowed me with a valuable learning experience. Attending conferences, seminars and working on different academic projects, I interacted with public health leaders over the last three years. In the process, I imbibed valuable knowledge to strengthen my understanding of preventive medicine, its effectiveness and outcome. Moreover, I was concerned with the quality of care within the managed and private care sector. These elements appeal o me the most, as I understand their role in determining the overall health of a nation. Timeliness and efficiency are the needs of the hour, without compromising the quality of care to patients.

At this crucial juncture of my academic and professional life, I would like to complete the public health program that your university offers. The specialized coursework would make me well-versed with different aspects of healthcare administration. Given that I have already learned to dream beyond physical therapy, I would like to refine my professional competence, studying in the progressive academic environment at your university. The very opportunity of serving a larger community pleases me, and I would like to be a part of the challenging and dynamic field.

Often, I have pondered about the masses abandoning needless procedures that can eventually save hundreds of dollars. In the process, healthcare institutions would be able to channelize their resources for treating patients who actually require attention. In the end, I believe that every individual has got the right to enjoy proper care. In the quest for possible answers to questions that crowd my mind, I am applying for this program at your revered university. Maturing as a professional amidst the practical learning environment, I look forward to mould my profile in a way that would serve the community at large.

Online searches won’t always help you get helpful mph personal statement examples. We have listed here a course-specific Mph personal statement sample PDF for you to download and review.

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MPH Personal Statement Examples

In the small town where I grew up, the majority of the residents had various illnesses. They lacked the resources to help them comprehend their situation and take steps to make improvements. I had a classmate in school who was from the town’s slum district. My peers did everything they could to avoid her. What she did to be born in this location has always been a dilemma to me. I was a child at the time and had no influence. However, I promised myself that when I am older, I will do whatever it takes to advance the health of such communities. I intended to raise awareness, monitor ailments, and encourage healthy lifestyles for the society’s marginalized individuals in particular. I made efforts to fulfill these dreams after recognizing how valuable they are to me. I need to understand public health from a global perspective in order to have a significant impact. The Master of Public Health programme at XYZ University in ABC country will give me the information and abilities I need to fulfill my dream.

I studied a variety of topics while earning my Bachelor of Public Health as an undergraduate, including environmental health, behavioral and social health, different health system managements, various organizations that promote public health, and more. I was well-equipped with a solid background in public health. I have always wanted to use my theoretical knowledge and skills in a practical setting. At that time, Covid-19 pandemic reached its height in every country on earth. Volunteers were sought by hospitals and other medical facilities. I saw this as a wonderful opportunity to broaden my experience and make a contribution to society. Working as a volunteer has helped me to understand many essential things, including the value of educating the public about diseases and their effects on health. Therefore, in my free time, I conduct public health classes for panchayat, particularly for those who are regarded as outcasts—people living in slum regions, tribal communities, etc. I was quite happy that I could somehow make a difference in the lives of others around me. Every day I awoke with a strong passion for my work and for life.

Through such varied activities, I improved my managerial and analytical abilities. Every encounter with an individual motivated me to learn more and make a significant contribution to their life. I want to open a health center that offers free health checks, medication, and education to the public. A graduate degree won’t be enough to make those goals come true. So I made the decision to enroll in the renowned XYZ University’s Master of Public Health programme.

I will be able to develop the abilities and knowledge required in the field of public health by enrolling in the public health programme at your university. I will have the chance to comprehend various public health systems due to the multicultural setting your university provides. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I will be able to focus on my goal of developing a health center in my community once the programme is over. I am incredibly passionate about helping people, and your university may benefit from both my passion and my individuality. My dreams can be built on the Master’s in Public Health that your university offers.

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What to Learn from Personal Statement Examples for Public Health?

By reading the mph personal statement example, you will learn: 

  • How you can write a perfect opening sentence and then develop your essay further
  • How to use a balanced writing tone in your statement
  • How to talk about skills and strengths realistically
  • How to format the personal statement for MPH

How to Use Public Health Personal Statement Sample?

Sample personal statement PHD program is helpful if you are using it in the right way. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind while using the samples. 

  • Do not refer to the samples while writing your statement. 
  • Read multiple samples to enhance your exposure
  • Do not copy from masters in public health personal statement samples

Tips for Making Your Personal Statement Stand Out in the Crowd

Use these tips from professional writers to write a public health personal statement that truly stands out and makes the admission committee seriously consider your application.

Brainstorm and write:

Spend enough time to brainstorm for fresh perspectives that you could use in your personal statement. Sometimes, it will be those in-depth thoughts that will make your write-up stand out. 

Do not use any gimmicks:

Only straightforward methods will work out to actually impress selectors. Gimmicks will only help to create suspicions in the selectors about your integrity and make them disregard your main points. 

Substantiate points with examples:

Do not let your experiences in public health sound hollow by simply listing them. Instead, substantiate each claim by way of providing valid proof for what you did. 

Avoid repetitions:

It is not recommended to restate obvious information which can be retrieved from other documents like GPA in your personal statement. Repetitions will seriously affect the readability of your personal statement. 

Prepare an outline and develop it:

Creating an outline first will give you the focus to develop it further with less effort and make your statement more effective. This will also help you avoid repetitions. 

Seek a second opinion:

Once you have finished writing your statement, show it to someone who can give you authentic feedback. People like professors, career counsellors or professional writers can give you valuable feedback.

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Top Universities for Masters in Public Health (MPH)

To customize your personal statement for public health masters, you need to finalize where you want to study. Here is a list of top institutes for your consideration. 

  1. Harvard University
  2. Emory University
  3. Johns Hopkins University
  4. University of California – Berkeley
  5. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
  6. University of South Florida
  7. Sheffield Hallam University
  8. Columbia University
  9. University of Michigan
  10. Coventry University
  11. University of Waterloo
  12. University of Maryland – College Park 
  13. Birmingham City University

Differences and Similarities Between MPH and MSPH

Employees working in the public health domain could either be coming from master of public health or master of science in public health background. Take a look at the table below to find out the differences and similarities between these two programs. 

Master of Public HealthMaster of Science in Public Health
More generic in natureMore specific (women’s health, children’s health etc.
Less focus on the academic side and more focus on the professional sideOpens avenues for a career as an educator
Not highly recommended for PhD, although some institutes accept it.Highly recommended for PhD programs
Recommended for those who want to indulge in more action-oriented intervention in the public health sphere.Ideal for those who want to look at public health from a research-oriented and academic perspective

Top Specializations in MPH Program

While taking up MPH for higher education, you are free to choose among a number of specializations such as: 

  • Child & Maternal Health 
  • Generalist Public Health 
  • Health Equity 
  • Social and Behavioral Science 
  • Community Health 
  • Epidemiology 
  • Health and Human Services 
  • Environmental Health 
  • Biostatistics 
  • Global Health 
  • Nutrition 

Did We Clear All Your Doubts?

We are happy that we could enlighten you with valuable insights about writing an md/mph personal statement

However, if you think that we have missed anything, we are open to adding them to this blog. 

Feel free to comment your suggestions, feedback or questions below. 

Picture of ANJIT V.S

I'm Anjit.V.S, freelance writer, academic documentation expert, and brand consultant. Having worked with thousands of students and global brands, I bring extensive and diversified experience to every project. Crafting compelling narratives and devising strategic branding solutions are my forte. With an unflinching commitment to excellence, I consistently deliver impeccable results. Whether it's shaping brand identities, drafting academic documents or brainstorming marketing strategies, you can confidently rely on me to bring innovation and expertise to the table. Let's collaborate and elevate your brand together!

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