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PA Personal Statement: An Authentic Guide

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Is a PA personal statement important to get yourself placed at the best institute? Sure, it is. And if you have come here to learn about writing a perfect physician assistant personal statement, rest assured that we have got all the answers for you. 

Personal statement comes to play a greater role when your physician assistant application is finalized. Therefore, you need to consider a lot of things while writing it, for instance, 

  • How to write a PA personal statement? 
  • What is the allowed PA personal statement length?
  • Accepted PA personal statement examples

And a lot of other questions and doubts. We have incorporated all those elements into this blog. So, enjoy your reading.

What Is Meant by A PA Personal Statement?

PA or physician assistant personal statement is an academic document which is written to fulfil a higher study application requirement for the physician assistant training program. The aspiring candidates have to explain questions like why they have taken up the program, what they expect to learn from it etc. through this document. The admission panel will finalize the selection of candidates based on the quality of the personal statement along with other eligibility criteria. 

Purpose of Writing a Physician Assistant Personal Statement

  • Physician associate personal statement helps the institutes differentiate applicants who possess similar grades. 
  • Personal statement shows how good a candidate is at expressing his views, aspirations and values. 
  • GPA or other documents throw light only on the non-personal aspects of the candidates. A personal statement sheds light on the personal side such as goals, interests, motivation etc. 
  • As institutes expect PA school personal statement pdf to be written as per certain criteria, it helps them assess how seriously each applicant goes through them. 
  • Personal statement is an effective yardstick for the selectors to understand what their applicants can contribute to their institute.
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How to Write an Impeccable PA Personal Statement?

Writing your story and identity as a physician assistant aspirant in about 500 words can seem daunting. But if you take the right steps at the right time, it can be less challenging and confusing. Here are the PA personal statement tips and steps to help you. 

Write an introduction:

First of all, you need to have a really grabbing introduction for your PA personal statement. It should explain how and when you found your interest in the role of a physician assistant. So, narrate that story in an engaging manner. 

Establish your motivation:

It is important to show how strongly you identify your motivation to dedicate the rest of your life to the role of a physician assistant. Explain why you would choose this path over other easier or more rewarding career options. 

Give your background:

As you move to the third paragraph, be careful to transition naturally. Here, show your background, both academic and professional and elaborate on how your experiences have added power to your desire to become a physician assistant. If there is any experience, for instance, taking part in voluntary work as a physician assistant, mention that.

Write about your achievements and recognition:

Write about any relevant recognition or achievements you have had in the field of PA or any related area. Maybe a research that has been published in the college magazine or a presentation you gave at a seminar. 

Why this college and country:

In this paragraph, speak about all the different reasons that make you want to study at this particular institute and country over all other possible options. Perhaps you are attracted to the unique pedagogy of the institute or the hands-on experience students are offered.

Future plans:

In this part of your personal statement, write about the career trajectory that you want to set for yourself. It is important to speak about short-term goals as well as long-term goals, say where you want to see yourself a decade after leaving the institute. 


Don’t simply wind up. Make your PA personal statement conclusion really count by writing a boiled-down version of the entire document in two to three sentences. Show how much you value getting the seat. Express your positivity and confidence. 

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PA Personal Statement Examples

Reading through physician assistant personal statement examples is a great way to understand how other applicants approach it and incorporate their perspectives and ideas into their writing. Oftentimes, this exercise would trigger the creative spots of the students and enable them to come up with a fresh point of view. So, go through these samples and see how it transforms your thinking. 

At eight, I was in the second grade, and Mrs Reddy was taking our social studies class. I clearly remember that my neck started itching without any prior warning. I tried to recall whether I got bitten by a bug. Well, the itching sensation distracted me to an extent that I asked Mrs Reddy whether I would have permission to visit the nurse’s quarters. Well, as she put me in front of a mirror, one of the most troubling ‘bug bites’ appeared before my eyes. The red marks covered most of the right side of my neck.

Well, in the next couple of days, my mom had taken me to several local doctors, given that the bug bites had spread to my backside, stomach and shoulders. However, their efforts proved to be futile, as none of them could make out the cause of such extensive red marks on my skin. It was almost after a week that my mom took me to a dermatology PA. It was this medical professional who identified the issue, detecting a delayed allergic reaction. The reaction disappeared a couple of days after he prescribed me medicine. It all worked like magic, and I could concentrate in the class. It has been more than ten years, and I am still in darkness regarding the source of the allergy. However, my brief interaction with the PA influenced my career goals significantly. I wondered that I, too, could relieve patients suffering from various issues if I establish my career in the medical industry. This explains why I am interested in pursuing this course in healthcare.

Being a fervent learner, I counted on online journals, blogs and YouTube videos to gain relevant knowledge on medicines. Besides scoring impressively in my academics, I indulged in sports like softball and volleyball. Eventually, I mastered skills that my peers didn’t in their textbooks. Back in my mind, I was conscious of my elevated leadership skills, teamwork, integrity and accountability. Meanwhile, I also participated in several school clubs, besides leading the volleyball team of our school.

Integrating myself in various workshops and seminars during my higher studies, I attended lectures of PA, nurses and numerous physician specialists. Participating in group activities during my graduation, I mastered the basics. I also had many impressive experiences, visiting medical facilities in India. In one laboratory, I came across a table that displayed different organs of humans that were infected with cancers and diseases. I wondered why medicine could not save people, considering the tremendous growth of science and technologies. It was a sensation of sheer sarcasm for mankind, and this further intensified my professional goals.

It was in August 2018 that my aunt was diagnosed with Melanoma, and the ailment had already grown to the fourth stage. In the following October, she passed away. Although the news shattered me, given that she had been visiting the dermatologist regularly. Well, this time the same dermatology PA who had given me the magic medicines a decade ago spent some time with my aunt once the diagnosis was over. After seeing all his patients, he talked to us, trying to determine if something had been missed out in the examination process. Well, it seemed that he had devoted himself to the family, taking care of my aunt with sincerity and compassion. This experience, closely watching a medical practitioner channelize his best efforts to save someone, largely influenced my career choice.

I utilized every bit of opportunity during my graduation to integrate myself into the medical field. In the meantime, I counted on various online and real-life resources to explore the possibilities that would strengthen my career. Besides, I interned at AIIMS, working as a medical assistant in the department of dermatology. This bestowed me with a vital learning experience. I got to know the value of effective communication, teamwork, compassion and after all, taking notes. Effective care largely depends on the humane approach, which, fortunately, I believe I have. Meanwhile, I also went through different patient histories, particularly the ones suffering from allergies. While communicating these details to the practitioner verbally, I ensured the best care for the patients, averting crisis.

I believe that ever since I experienced that awkwardness in my second grade, I materialized every opportunity. Converting challenges to chances, I also mastered relevant skills. My aunt’s suffering, and eventual demise further intensified my passion in the medical profession. Prioritizing this fresh appreciation for life, I look forward to sharing my skills for the benefit of the larger community. The PA program that your university offers would significantly leverage my profile. I aspire to serve as a valued medical professional at one of the esteemed hospitals in India on gaining the necessary competence. This is an opportunity that would impact beyond my life, influencing the wellbeing of the people around me. I would like to be a part of the progressive academic environment at your revered university.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid While Writing Your PA Personal Statement

Admission officers read myriads of personal statements daily. They would easily spot mistakes and when they do it, your chances of impressing them will be less. Here is a list of the most common mistakes. Try to avoid them.

Don’t replicate your resume:

Personal statement is different from a resume. So, don’t replicate the latter. Your personal statement should seem like a convincing story with solidifying evidence. 

Don’t use cliches:

It has been my dream to become a PA since my childhood.” Apparently, this is an overused sentence. Don’t write that way. Instead, write it in a way that makes it more specific to your background. 

Don’t plagiarise:

Plagiarism would not only cause your document to lose its originality but also lead it to get rejected. If you want a PA personal statement that got accepted, write a 100% original one. 


There are a few different types of errors that you need to be aware of – grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes, poor sentence construction, and inappropriate use of vocabulary. Avoid all such errors. You need to do thorough proofreading before submitting your essay.

Lack of reflection:

When you talk about a specific example, for instance, your time working with an NGO, don’t simply write about it as an experience. Show your reflection on that experience. Explain how has that experience influenced your perspective on the role of a physician assistant.

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What Is a Physician Assistant?

A physician assistant or PA is a healthcare professional who is qualified with a degree in an advanced-level PA program. A PA is licensed to provide patient care such as diagnosis, treatment and surgeries for specific illnesses/diseases. In some cases, they act as assistants to physicians.

Duties and Responsibilities of Physician Assistants

Physician assistants do most of the duties that a normal physician does except that they don’t perform experimental surgeries or don’t attend to all health conditions. The range of duties and responsibilities of a PA varies from country to country. Before you make your PA personal statement outline, review the following PA duties. 

  • Maintain and analyse the patient’s medical history
  • Prescribe diagnostic tests, treatments and medications
  • Analyse test results 
  • Explain the patient’s health condition to bystanders or family members and educate them on aftercare procedures 
  • Carry out a physical examination of patients
  • Diagnose diseases 
  • Assisting physicians in their key duties
  • Perform surgeries for particular cases 
  • Inspect illnesses, injuries and other health conditions

Major Specializations for Physician Assistants

While getting trained as a Physician Assistant, you can get specialized in specific departments based on your interest. It will help you have a more focused career upon course completion. It is recommended to mention your specialization in your physician assistant personal statement as well. 

  • Emergency medicine
  • Dermatology
  • Obstetrics
  • Family medicine
  • Urgent care
  • Internal medicine
  • General surgery/surgical subspecialties


As you finish reading this blog, we hope you have become thorough about writing PA personal statement. 

Did the steps help you plan and executive your writing? Did the PA personal statement examples help you brainstorm? 

We are excited to know how your experience was. So, feel free to share it in the comments section below. We also welcome your valuable feedback and suggestions. 

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I'm Anjit.V.S, freelance writer, academic documentation expert, and brand consultant. Having worked with thousands of students and global brands, I bring extensive and diversified experience to every project. Crafting compelling narratives and devising strategic branding solutions are my forte. With an unflinching commitment to excellence, I consistently deliver impeccable results. Whether it's shaping brand identities, drafting academic documents or brainstorming marketing strategies, you can confidently rely on me to bring innovation and expertise to the table. Let's collaborate and elevate your brand together!

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