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Environmental Science Personal Statement – A Complete Guide with Examples

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Is studying environmental science at the best university your dream?

Your journey starts with writing a personal statement. Writing a personal statement for college or university can be confusing for most students. But if you have the right guidance, it won’t be that hard. In this blog, we cover all the basics of environmental science personal statement writing. 

It contains: 

  • A comprehensive writing guide
  • Two different environmental science personal statement examples
  • Common mistakes and how to eliminate them 

What Is Environmental Science Personal Statement? How Will It Help You?

Environmental science personal statement is an essay that contains everything you want to tell your selection committee at the university, written with an intention of convincing them about your suitability for the program. The document will help you to: 

  • Demonstrate that you have acquired the skills and experiences required to study environmental science at the university level
  • Show that your passion for environmental science is genuine and goes in agreement with your previous formations and professional stints
  • Convince the selection committee that you are not only an academically brilliant student but also a good addition to the institute’s students’ community 
  • Verify the authenticity of all other documents you are submitting along with the application. 
  • Your active participation and contribution in extracurricular events and how they have supported your discernment of environmental science. 

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How Long Should an Environmental Science Personal Statement Be?

Word count:

500 to 600

Character limit:

2500 to 3750

No of pages:

One to two

Why Is It So Important to Adhere to University Guidelines?

One of the most important rules in personal statement writing is adhering to the institute guidelines. Your university may want you to answer specific questions in the personal statement so as to decide whether you fit into their particular program and the student community. When you present a personal statement that doesn’t provide enough insights into their prompts, they are most likely to reject your application. 

What Is the Admission Committee Looking for?

  • Firstly, check if you have been asked to answer any particular prompts in your personal statement. Address those points without any failure. 
  • Your motivations behind choosing environmental science as your higher study field. 
  • Your career aspirations after completing Environmental science graduation. 
  • Examples of your achievements, experience, skills or strengths. Anything you claim must be supported by evidence 
  • How much you know about environmental science, its scope and today’s relevance

Six Quick Steps for Writing a Winning Environmental Science Personal Statement

The following six easy steps would simplify the process of writing your personal statement for environmental science.

Decide how to present yourself:

You need to present yourself in the best way in your personal statement. Brainstorm and choose your proudest qualities, strengths, skills and achievements to write about in your statement. 

Get to know about your program:

Try to gather details about your university’s specific environmental science program. Also, do general reading about environmental science and enhance your awareness. This will help you in the writing stage. 

Practice talking:

Once you have a mental picture of what you are going to write in the introduction and body paragraphs, speak out those points loudly and see how it sounds. Does it represent you in a natural way? Doing this exercise a few times is a good preparation method.

Get familiar with the format:

Get familiar with the format for writing your personal statement. You can do this by reviewing a couple of environmental science personal statement examples. Also, check whether your institute has given any specific format to use.

Prepare an outline and write:

Based on the points and format you have found out, prepare an outline first. After that, develop your essay slowly building on the outline. This method will ensure all points are properly addressed. 

Proofread, edit and finalize:

Once completed, read through your statement carefully word by word at least four to five times. Correct all the mistakes. Simplify ambiguous sentences. It is good to have your essay reviewed by someone else before finalizing it.

Example 1 – personal Statement for Masters in Environmental Science

Asteroid strikes, pandemics, nuclear wars and climate change: I believe these elements have something in common. All these catastrophes have the power to wipe away human existence from the earth. It was in my sixth grade that I decided to be an environmentalist, as I got introduced to the subject as a part of my academics. The utter nonchalance of public and government authorities to the staring crises around us further intensified the desire in me to explore this domain.

I clearly recall an incident when I was in my eleventh grade. I happened to come across the official video of Michael Jackson’s ‘The Earth Song’. A few minutes later, I found myself in tears. Well, my friends called this a trivial weakness, but I felt something different moaning deep within me. I realized that the very person next to me might be indifferent to what I perceive, or how I interpret indiscriminate cruelty towards nature.

During weekends, I find my neighbours engaged with catastrophic films. Well, I believe this is a kind of morbid obsession that another group of people tends to commercialize. Altogether, I feel the world pacing towards a painful destruction. I also find little connection between this cinematic masochism to what awaits our subsequent generations. As a responsible citizen, I feel helpless as I find hedges mowed over, or rainforests burning to ashes.

My natural obsession with nature, and deep-rooted love for the world’s raw charm further complement my efforts. I wish I had the power to make people wake up from their materialistic slumber to come together and build a more sustainable future. In an effort to empower myself with the ability to show the way, I have decided to pursue a Master’s degree in Environmental Science or Environmental Engineering. I am keen to know the efficiency of existing mechanisms to combat global warming or climate change, and devise further enhancements in the contemporary systems.

Given that I am in the final year of my geography Honours course, I also have a deep interest in atmospheric sciences. So far, my graduation years have been rewarding indeed. The humane aspect in natural aspects of nature amazes me more than anything else. Besides, I have utilized my practical opportunities like academic projects to gain substantial knowledge about the country’s natural resources, and the existing mechanisms to protect the same. To complement my efforts to further bolster these processes, I look forward to acquiring a specialized degree in Environmental Science. Enhancing my core skills along with my organizational and managerial abilities, I wish to embrace a gratifying career in India or abroad.

Presently, I am working on a project for my final year, based on the impact of fossil fuels on the environment. In this project, my aim is to come up with an efficient and eco-friendly strategy to replace fossil fuels in the global industrial sector, gradually embracing natural alternatives. Besides, I have published a paper in an international journal based on my findings, titled ‘Our Planet, Our Responsibilities’. Through this project, I gained significant knowledge on the importance of energy conservation. Besides, it significantly strengthened my communication and presentation skills.

The advanced program that your university offers would significantly enhance my graphical and analytical skills. Besides, I have the prospect of exciting field trips. Considering my love to explore places and learn about their natural resources, I believe it to be the right decision to pursue a course in environmental science. The enriched academic infrastructure at your institution, along with the opportunity to gain knowledge directly from seasoned faculty, would significantly leverage my profile. This program will reinforce my knowledge and interest in the global environment. On completing this course, I will gain the ability to clearly demonstrate the importance of conserving plants and wildlife on the earth, while altering our habits to mitigate carbon footprints on the environment.

As a self-motivated and enthusiastic individual, I believe that my concern for our subsequent generations is the driving force for my career choice. Given that I have attended an international school during my Intermediates, I am confident in my abilities to integrate myself into the progressive academic environment. By transforming my skills, I will be able to fervently contribute to the global efforts of developing a sustainable environment.

To become familiar with the paragraph structure and format, take a look at the personal statement for environmental science sample PDF below.

Download Environmental Science Personal Statement Sample PDF

Five Blunders to Avoid in Environmental Science Personal Statement Writing

Modifying samples:

While it is okay to review environmental science personal statement examples to increase your understanding of its structure, it is a grave mistake to modify a sample to suit your case. 

Not being specific:

The admission panel is looking for an essay that says how closely you fit into their environmental science program. A case-specific approach in writing is needed. 

Sounding too negative:

It is good to balance your negatives and positives but do not dwell too much on the negatives. Even if there are any negatives, try to show how you overcame them.

Cliches in the writing style:

The admission committee is expecting a unique and personalized essay from you, not the kind of cliched environmental science personal statement examples on the internet.

Writing one for all:

If you are applying to multiple universities, you need to present a tailor-made personal statement for each of those. Don’t write a single personal statement in hope of using it for all. 

How Do Experts Format a Personal Statement?

  • Set the font to a readable size: 12 points is ideal. 
  • Justify the text
  • Use an academically acceptable format – Arial and Times New Roman are best for the purpose
  • Don’t use multiple fonts. Choose one font and use that consistently 
  • Don’t add colour to the text

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Ensure Your Essay Ticks All the Below Checkboxes

Don’t rush to finalize your personal statement for environmental science. Go through it and ensure that your writeup ticks all the below checkboxes. 

  • Have I personalized it? 
  • Have I provided enough evidence and examples to solidify my claims? 
  • Have I used the correct format? 
  • Have I met the requirements given by the university? 
  • Have I exceeded or come short of the recommended word count? 

What Is Environmental Science? What Do Environmental Scientists Do?

Environmental science is a branch of science which studies the environment in the context of human policies, understanding and perceptions about it. 

  • They take steps to protect the environment 
  • They conduct awareness programs about the factors that endanger the environment 
  • They assist governments in formulating policies that are aimed at environmental protection 
  • They advocate the use of natural resources in a safe and sustainable way

Scope of Environmental Science

  • Environmental science is a wider field which is gaining significance today. Unlike in the past, governments are promoting the study of the environment
  • Environmental science is inseparable when it comes to waste management and geoscience, ecology, and toxicology. 
  • In the context of pure drinking water becoming a scarce commodity, the study of the environment has become essential for water management
  • The world is thinking about renewable emergency sources. The study of renewable energy is incomplete without environmental science 
  • Pollution control boards of each country work in collaboration with the environmental science department for amending their policies. 

Universities Offering Environmental Science

Below is a list of top universities that are offering programs in environmental science. 

  • Stanford University
  • University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
  • University of Cambridge
  • ETH Zurich
  • Harvard University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Wageningen University & Research
  • University of Oxford
  • Tsinghua University

Career Opportunities After Graduation in Environmental Science

  • Pollution Control Officer
  • Director of Waste Management
  • Environment Photographer
  • Lecturer
  • Environment Journalist

Before We Wrap Up…

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I'm Anjit.V.S, freelance writer, academic documentation expert, and brand consultant. Having worked with thousands of students and global brands, I bring extensive and diversified experience to every project. Crafting compelling narratives and devising strategic branding solutions are my forte. With an unflinching commitment to excellence, I consistently deliver impeccable results. Whether it's shaping brand identities, drafting academic documents or brainstorming marketing strategies, you can confidently rely on me to bring innovation and expertise to the table. Let's collaborate and elevate your brand together!

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