How to Write an Outline for an Essay In 2025? 

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You are very clear about your essay topic and you know what you want to convey through your essay. Yet you realize that you don’t know how to start, navigate through different topics and conclude it effectively.  Well, the reason is that you don’t have a good essay outline. In this blog, we will teach you everything you need to know about writing an essay outline such as: 

  • What does an essay outline look like
  • How to write an outline for an essay
  • Essay outline template for reference

What is an Essay Outline?

Before having an outline, your essay is like a raw material. An outline helps you connect the dots and bring the raw content of your essay into a proper shape, style and structure. 

Why Is Outlining an Essay Important?

As far as writing an in-depth essay is concerned, making an outline for an essay is crucial. To understand why outlining of an essay is important, you need to identify the purpose of an outline, which are: 

Helps you stay focused:

Essay outline helps you stay focused on the major theme or topic. Deviating from the theme can spoil the appeal of your essay.

Brings logical order:

An impactful essay needs to have a logical order – a strong introduction, supporting body and reiterating conclusion. Having the best essay outline helps ensure this.

Enables transition:

When the reader moves from the introduction to the body paragraphs and conclusion, they should feel a smooth transition. An outline format for essay enables this.

Builds impact:

To ensure that your essay impacts the reader, it should have a clear thesis statement, coherent content presentation and concluding statements. An essay outline helps build this impact.

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How to Create an Outline for an Essay?

Having understood the importance of an essay online, now let’s try to understand how to make an outline for an essay. Here are the steps to follow. 

Get familiar with the essay topic:

To begin with, go over the essay topic carefully a few times and understand what central message you want to highlight as your thesis statement. 

Get clarity for your introduction and conclusion:

The introduction and conclusion are the most important parts of your essay. Hence start your outline making by including them. 

Finalize the core points to discuss:

Figure out how many points you want to discuss in the essay. This will determine the number of paragraphs in your outline, for instance, 10 paragraph essay outline. 

Plan your headings:

Decide how you want to give the headings and subheadings for your points. A well-structured essay layout should consist of headings and subheadings organized logically. 

Figure out how to substantiate points:

There are many ways to substantiate your points in the essay. For instance, graphs, diagrams, columns etc. Come up with a few such properties in your formal essay outline.

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Outline Format for Essay 

Here is a basic essay format for you to refer to for getting started. Feel free to make necessary changes to it as per the specific instructions you get or as per the topic demands. 


  • Start the introduction with an attention-grabbing quote or fact. 
  • Introduce the topic with some background information. 
  • Write the thesis statement. 

Body Paragraphs

  • Decide the number of body paragraphs depending on the number of points you want to address in the essay. For instance, main point 1 in body paragraph 1 and main point 2 in body paragraph 2. 
  • Start your body paragraph with a topic sentence followed by examples and your analysis. 


  • Conclude your essay reinstating the thesis statement and adding a summary of your points. 
  • End the conclusion with a closing statement or inviting further discussion or a call to action. 

Essay Outline Example

While preparing an essay outline, one important area to pay attention to is the type of essay you are asked to write. There are different types of essays and the essay outline template for each varies. Review each of the below types carefully for your better understanding. 

Narrative essay outline:

Start your narrative essay with an introduction including all the necessary elements such as a hook or grabbing sentence, background information and thesis statement. Coming to the body, set the scene for your topic or story, introduce the characters, develop the conflict and then bring about the climax and resolution. The conclusion can be a thought or moral lesson from the story with a closing statement. Now let’s look at a narrative essay outline example, explaining each section in a detailed manner. Below example is a narrative of the memorable experience that taught you a lesson.



Start with an eye-catchy sentence to grab the attention of the readers.


Introduce what you are going to discuss 

Thesis Statement

Explain the lesson learnt and its significance in your life 


Setting the scene

Explain the place, time and circumstance that taught the lesson

Mention the people involved in the incident and explain their roles

Discussing the core points

Explain the challenges faced

Describe the emotional journey involved 

The Zenith

Describe the moment that changed everything

Explain how the situation uncoiled itself

The Denouement

Explain the lesson learnt and how it influenced your perspective


Recap the experience and mention the key takeaways and the lessons learnt

Argumentative Essay Outline:

Just like any other essay type, start your argumentative essay with an introduction that can hook the reader and then carry on with the background information and thesis statement. Divide your body paragraphs logically to present your main points and provide the counterargument. Write the conclusion reinstating the thesis statement and giving your general assessment or opinion if specifically asked. The below example discusses the topic “Should the legal age be raised for driving”. It reinforces the necessity to increase the age for driving for better road safety.


  •  Start the essay by discussing the current driving age and its impact on society
  • Statement of the issue: Discussion on whether the legal driving age should be increased
  • Thesis statement: Increasing the driving age would enhance road safety, thus reducing road accidents among young drivers

Pros Associated With The Current Driving Age

  • Early independence
  • Ease the transportation for employment, provide better academic opportunities and enhance social activities
  • Build a sense of responsibility and maturity among the young generation

Cons Associated With The Present Driving Age

  • Increased rate of accidents due to inadequate driving experience 
  • Age-related immaturity in decision-making and the tendency to show off and take risk 
  • Increased chances of getting disturbed while driving

Discussion On The Impact Of Present Legal Driving Age On Road Safety

  • Validate your points with proper statistics highlighting accidents associated with young drivers
  • Present the road safety records of countries where they have high driving age 
  • Restate the benefits of increased driving age for the reduction of road accidents 

Advantages Of Higher Driving Age

  • Increased time for the development of cognition and emotional maturity, thus positively influencing decision-making
  •  Increased maturity to handle the responsibilities, thus leaving a positive impact on driving and decreasing the chances of accidents

Discussion On The Key Pointers Against Raising The Age Of Driving 

  • Arguments explaining the privileges of early driving 
  • Explanation of how delayed driving age would negatively impact transportation for jobs and education
  • Discuss the cultural and social implications of delayed driving age and how it would leave a negative impact 


  • Presenting alternative options like ride sharing and public transportation 
  • Stressing the importance of road safety, emphasizing the importance of safety over convenience

Final Thoughts

  • Restate the thesis statement: Increasing the driving age would enhance road safety, thus reducing road accidents among young drivers
  • Recap the key points and emphasis the need for raising the driving age 
  • Final thoughts on the topic and call to action for policymakers to consider raising the age for driving

Expository Essay Outline:

The purpose of an expository essay is to explore a topic and present an objective analysis of it. When you outline the expository essay, start it with an introduction followed by body paragraphs for exploring the topic from various angles. Conclude the essay by restating your thesis statement, summarizing the main angles you discussed and inviting further discussion or research on the topic. Given below is an example of an expository essay on the topic: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health. Read it and gain a clear understanding of the structure and outline.


  • Write a brief introduction about social media and its prevalence in the current digital age 
  • Statement of the topic: The impact of social media on mental well-being and mental health of people
  • Thesis statement: Social media is very common in the present digital age, and its prevalent usage is leaving both positive and negative impact on society 

Advantages of Social Media on Mental Health

  • Write how social media improves the social connection of people and facilitates support networks
  • Explain how it creates opportunities for self-expression and provides a platform to explore creativity

Disadvantages of Social Media on Mental Health

  • Explain how frequent comparison often leads to decreased self-esteem among people
  • Describe how cyberbullying would often lead to deterioration of mental health
  • Prove with an example of how increased use of social media would lead to addiction and how this will negatively impact productivity and sleep cycles 

Influence of Social Media on Psychological Well-being

  • Write how curated content and over hyped reels would leave a long-lasting impact on mental health 
  •  Research the relation between excessive use of social media and its effect on mental health disorders
  • Mention psychological theories which explain the ill effect of social media on mental health. 

Discussion on the Strategies for Mitigating Negative Effects

  •  Discuss the ways to promote digital literacy and responsible usage of social media
  • Spread awareness about the necessity to encourage taking breaks and limiting the use of social media 
  • Motivate people to use social media platforms for positive mental health programs. 

Case Studies and Research Findings

  • Discuss research papers showcasing the relation between the adverse effects of social media and mental health 
  • Highlight the experiences of people illustrating both good and ill effects of social media on mental health 
  • Explain with latest statistics showcasing the ill effect of social media on mental health 


  • Restate the thesis statement: Social media certainly impacts mental health leaving both positive and negative impacts
  • Recap the key points discussed
  • Write a strong call to action for a balanced approach to the use of social media leaving no negative impact on mental health

Descriptive Essay Outline:

In your descriptive essay outline, try to portray a subject, person, place, or experience using sensory details and expressive language. As for the introduction, start it engagingly. Unfold the body paragraphs focusing on specific elements. Make sure that each element has meticulous detailing. The conclusion should summarize the key descriptive elements as well as reaffirm the thesis statement. Make sure that you leave a lasting impression in the conclusion. Look at the descriptive essay outline given below and understand how the sensory experience is produced by the vivid description of city life during the rush hour of the day


  •  Introduce the topic: A busy and vibrant city street during rush hour of the day
  • Describe the energy transmission during the peak time in an urban street 
  • Thesis statement: The bustling city street gives a picture of the frenetic activity, sounds and vibrancy of city life, detailing the symphony of urban life 

Overview of the City Street

  • Give an overview of the city, explaining the position and glory of skyscrapers and crowds on the street
  • Depict the vibrancy of city life during peak hours 

Visual Details Detailing Rush Hour

  • A vivid description of the maneuvering vehicles in various colors and shapes 
  • Give a picturesque explanation of people hurrying on the sidewalks of the road 

Sounds and Atmosphere

  • Details regarding the sounds heard in the city, pointing to street chatter, vehicle horns, sounds of the engine 
  • Illustrate the indistinct city life in motion

Aromas of Food Providing Sensory Experiences 

  • Explain how the compelling Scent of delicious food prepared in street or café produces a sensory experience
  • Give a detailed expression of the sensory experience of mixing both urban heat and cool air during the peak time of the day 

Time and Movement

  • Give details regarding the vibrant traffic colors and movement of vehicles and pedestrians in response to it 
  • Explain the rhythm of the busy times of city life marked by the passage of time 


  • Conclude the essay by restating the bustling city life during the rush hour of the day 
  • Excite the reader by giving a sensory explanation of the pulsating city life during the peak hour

Literary Analysis Essay Outline:

A Literary Analysis Essay must carefully analyze the interpretations of a literary work and its various elements. Start with a grabbing introduction to introduce the literary work you want to focus on and provide a clear thesis statement. Use the body paragraphs to discuss the literary devices, themes and characters. In the conclusion, restate the thesis followed by recapping the key analysis points. Given below is an example of a literary essay outline. Read it and understand how to structure the same and gain an overview of how to analyze a literary text based on its theme.


  • Write a brief overview about the novel “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley
  •  Introduce the central theme of isolation expressed in the novel 
  • Thesis statement: Description of the theme of isolation in the novel through the experience of Victor Frankenstein, other characters, the creature, highlighting the effect of societal alienation and loneliness

Analysis Of The Isolation Of Victor Frankenstein

  • Give a brief description of Victor’s comprehension of knowledge and his isolation from society
  • Explore self-imposed exile of Victor and his emotional isolation due to his obsessive characteristics
  • Give points regarding the isolation of Victor, his mental state, and how it is reflected in his relationship

Exploration Of The Isolation Of Creature

  • Analyze the background of Creature and his abandonment 
  • Explain the rejection and isolation faced by Creature from humanity and how it affected him
  • Discuss the search for acceptance by Creature and how it left an impact on his actions 

Examination Of Isolation Experienced By Other Characters In The Novel

  • Analyze the theme of isolation faced by other characters in the novel, like Robert Walton and Henry Clerval
  • Explain how the isolation of Walton and Clerval mirrors and contrasts the experience of Victor and Creature 
  • Discuss the thematic development of the novel in correspondence to the isolation of secondary characters 

Analysis Of Symbolism And Themes Of Isolation In The Novel

  • Give an overview about the major symbols used in the novel, like the icy arctic, and the appearance of the creature
  • Explain how the symbols in the novel reflect the internal and external isolation 
  • Explore the recurring themes like ambition, pursuit of knowledge, etc.

An Analysis Of Author’s Craft And Narrative Techniques

  • Discuss how Shelly uses multiple narrators to highlight the theme of isolation  
  • Analyze how the imagery, language and tone of the author reflect and depict the isolated settings 


  • Restate the thesis statement: Exploration of Shelley’s theme of isolation in ‘Frankenstein’ and analysis of the negative impact of loneliness and societal alienation on individuals
  • Summarize the key points discussed
  • Analyzing how the theme of isolation reflects the implication of understanding human nature

Summary Essay Outline:

The objective of a summary essay is to present the main idea of an original text objectively. The introduction, as always, must engage the reader and provide the readers with an idea about the original text being selected. So, mention the title and author’s name and the main ideas being summarized. Use the body paragraphs logically to summarize specific ideas or sections from the original text. In the conclusion, restate the core points followed by giving a precise overview of the original text and a closing statement. Take a look at the summary essay outline provided below and understand how to structure the same.


  • Give an  overview of the novel ‘Brave New World’ by Aldous Huxley and introduce how the theme of a dystopian society is depicted in the novel
  • Thesis statement: Analyze how the novel ‘Brave New World’ provides a glimpse into the futuristic society where technological advancements, social conditioning, and worldly pleasure led to the dehumanization of the society.

Discussion On The Portrayal Of Dystopian World In The Novel

  • Analyze the highly controlled society discussed in the novel 
  • Explore the use of technology to control human behavior
  • Discuss the caste system portrayed in the novel  

Analysis Of Characters 

  • Explore various characters in the novel, like Bernard Marx, Lenina Crowne, John, etc., and analyze their importance in the novel
  • Discuss how each character shape the plot of the novel

Exploration Of Social Conditioning And Lack Of Individuality As Portrayed In The Novel

  • Discuss the theme of indoctrination through various strategies like sleep-teaching and conditioning
  • Explain various elements like absence of free will, suppression of emotions, etc.
  • Explore various societal norms discussed in the novel 

Criticism Of Hedonism And Consumerism 

  • Provide a detailed description of how the pursuit of pleasure and gratification is described in the novel 
  • Analyze how the drug Soma is used to suppress emotions and escape reality 

 Analysis Of The Resolution And Conclusion Of The Novel

  • Provide a summary of the events which lead to the tragic ending in the novel
  • Discuss the fate of the characters in a dystopian society

Discuss The Impact Of The Plot And The Significance Of The Novel In The Society

  • Discuss how Huxley criticizes totalitarianism, dehumanization and mass production through his powerful storytelling techniques
  • Explain how the novel gives a warning about the effect of dehumanization  
  • Evaluate the significance of the novel in literature and contemporary society 

Final Thoughts

  • Restate the thesis statement and explain how the novel portrays a dystopian society 
  • Summarize the key points

Compare Contrast Essay Outline:

In a compare-contrast essay type, the introduction should start with a hook as in all other types of essays. In the thesis statement, provide a comparison or contrast of the topic you want to highlight. Structure the body paragraphs logically and equally to discuss both the similarities and the differences. Conclude the essay by reiterating the thesis statement and providing your comparison/contrast in a nutshell. Below we have given an example of a compare and contrast essay outline providing both positive and negative effects of city and rural life.


  • Give an overview of city life and rural life
  • Provide explanation for the differences in environment, lifestyle, etc., in both rural and urban areas 
  • Thesis statement: City life and rural life contradict with each other in living conditions, quality of life, community engagements, providing both pros and cons 

Comparison Based On Living Environment And Community Engagements

  • Give a vivid description about the urban life, describing crowded streets, tall buildings, busy life, etc.
  • Discuss multiculturalism, social activities, scope of career opportunities etc., in urban life 
  • Explain about the rural landscapes, calm and peaceful life, smaller communities in rural areas
  • Emphasis on the nature of rural people, their connection with the nature and their social harmony

Compare Both City And Rural Life On The Basis Of Below Mentioned Points:

  • Ease of life
  • Access to services
  • Quality of life
  • Opportunities for education and employment

Discuss Challenges And Drawbacks In Both The City And Rural Life

  • Discuss the issues like pollution, congestion, stress, crime rates, competitive scenario, etc., in city life 
  • Explore rural life in terms of limited career and educational opportunities, lack of amenities, isolation, limited entertainment options, etc. 


  • Recap the key points discussed on the basis of community engagements, quality of life, opportunities and amenities, challenges, etc. 
  • Share your final thoughts on the topic and encourage the reader to take an informed decision based on individual preferences, lifestyle goals, etc.
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Getting ready with a logical essay outline is a crucial step before starting to write an essay. We hope that the ‘how to outline an essay’ tips and templates covered in this blog will help you prepare a good outline. If you need any further help regarding this topic, feel free to let us know in the comment section. For any professional help, you can reach out to our essay outline helper. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is an essay outline?

An essay outline is a framework for an essay. It helps essay writing much easier because you know what to write and where. 

How to start an outline for an essay? 

The outline for all types of essays must start with an introduction. Even when using different types of outlines, such as a 10 page essay outline or a 1500 word essay outline, the beginning is always the introduction. Check our essay outline online resources and examples to see how the beginning part of outlines are made. 

What is a formal outline?

A formal essay outline is one which institutes or academic bodies would share with their students to guide them concerning essay writing. It is more or less like an essay structure example. 

What should come first in an outline?

The first thing to address in an essay outline – be it a 1000 word essay outline or a 5 paragraph essay outline – is the introduction. 

When do I need to write an essay outline?

Whenever you are required to write an essay, it is highly recommended to prepare an outline first. The outline will serve as a skeleton form of your essay and will help you stay focused

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